Runde zwei? Weitere Hisbollah-Piepser explodieren im Südlibanon

Runde zwei? Weitere Hisbollah-Piepser explodieren im Südlibanon

  1. Yesterday i said this is like something out of a james bond movie times 100.
    Now they’re just showing off.

    this is basically the “**and** **I’ll Fuckin’ Do It Again”** meme but on a whole other level.

  2. This time it’s not beepers, it’s their radio comms.

    Don’t fuck with the Mossad, so freaking unreal

  3. Now it’s bigger explosions.
    Vehicles and apartments on fire

    This is a warfare surprise in a scale we never saw before. New age trojan horse 🐴

  4. Reports from lebanon: radio comms, laptops and smartphones exploded, apartments and cars are going up in flames

  5. If I were Hezbolla I’d be afraid the paper I’d be writing my messages on in the future is also gonna explode

  6. Suggestion on bbc suggest walkie talkies going off. I know people are going to complain about collateral damage, but is this not the most precise operation for eliminating terrorists ever seen? It’s insane to think about the scale and how it’s gone off without anyone leaking anything.

  7. Remember guys, Hizbollah was also involved in blowing up 242 US Marines in Beirut !

    Something about karma…

  8. They didn’t throw them away after the first round of calls?

    Fuck it. Time to page the *really* stupid ones.

  9. This is like a herding tactic. Soon anything electronic will be thrown away leaving them in the dark ages.

  10. >Unofficial reports claimed that iPhones, video cameras, and other devices also detonated.

    Holy shit… Now iPhones and video cameras?

  11. I’m just thinking that if Israel was to go on a major offensive against Hezbollah, right now would be a good time.

  12. Well Habib’s blew up yesterday…
    I’m sure mine’s fine tho.

    Hang on a sec, my Grinder app just sent me a….

  13. >According to the reports, the explosions occurred at and in parallel to the funeral of four Hezbollah members in Lebanon. The funeral was live-streamed on X but ended abruptly.

    Anyone have a link to that footage?

    [found it, biut you dont see or hear anything. towards the end you see multiple people looking around but no panic](

    [Here’s some footage of an explosion](

  14. Imagine the psychological damage this is doing to Hezbollah on so many levels. The damage down knowing how deep an infiltration this was to now not knowing what devices around their houses are compromised. Truly spectacular damage

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