Ammo depot explosion registered as a 2.8 earthquake and was seen from space

by matthewcameron60

  1. Been hearing that a massive number of NK’s ballistic missiles were stored here. This arsenal was apparently built around 2018 and has been expanding ever since.

    Another important thing is that this place also housed artillery ammo and S-300 rockets. I’m willing to guess that quite a few of these we also present in the explosion.

    According to Wartranslated and other channels, 200 Russians guarded this base. I don’t think we need to guess what happened to them.

  2. 30 kt twice the power of the little boy dropped on jappan

    Edit :it was about 6kt read the comment below

  3. >was seen from space

    A spysat could see an exploding hand grenade from space… Commercial observation satellites have 30cm resolution.

  4. Perspective

    a US 155mm artillery shell is 100 lbs.

    20 shells = 1 US ton

    30,000 tons * 20 = 600,000 155mm shells kabooming

    Storage facility close to belarus, Estonia, and Latvia,

    It is possible that Latvians felt it, more probable that northern belarus felt it.

    The distance from minsk belarus and moscow, moscovia is about the same.

  5. > The quake had a very shallow depth of 0 km (0 mi) and was reported felt by some people near the epicenter.

    Is this a volcanologist being cheeky?

  6. Anyone know the transmission proportions for ground detonations?

    The energy value for the earthquake would only be what energy went into the ground.

    Howany Tons of tnt equivalent actually went up here?
    I’m gonna take a wild guess at 200?

  7. Great, you just gave them idea to lie about…now they’ll say it was a earthquake and everything is unde control…although there’s plenty of video evidence 

  8. No no comrade. Is just putins lada starting up on a cold morning.

    Is ok. We bomb hospiteel now.

  9. Today is quite an explosive day. Meanwhile in Lebanon, Iran’s Hazbollah forces are castrated/decimated by 3000 simultaneous pager explosions with total energy equivalent to 100kg of TNT.

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