What a presidential legacy

Posted by Savings-Sprinkles-75

  1. “Four score and seven years ago, our great nation was blessed with incredible music, music that made us proud, music that made us great. But now, we’re stuck with Taylor Swift, a total loser, folks, believe me. She’s ruining our country, ruining our music, with her fake songs and her fake endorsements.

    We can’t let her win, folks. We can’t let her and her liberal friends destroy our nation. We need to make America great again, and that starts with making our music great again. No more Swifties, no more fake news, no more losers.

    We’re gathered here today on this hallowed ground, the battleground of truth and freedom, to declare our independence from Taylor Swift’s mind control. We will not be swayed by her catchy tunes or her deceitful lyrics. We will rise up, we will take back our country, and we will make Taylor Swift pay for what she’s done to us.

    It’s going to be huge, folks, just huge. We’ll build a wall around her concerts, a beautiful wall, and we’ll make her pay for it. Mark my words.

    We will not forget the sacrifices of our brave men and women who fought against the forces of bad music. We will honor their memory by ensuring that Taylor Swift never again pollutes our airwaves with her terrible songs.

    This nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom – freedom from Taylor Swift’s tyranny. And music of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth, as long as we stand strong against the forces of evil that seek to destroy us.

    We will win, folks, we will win so bigly. Taylor Swift will be left in the dust, and America will be great again.”

  2. actually that was after his failed presidency, what he said during.his presidency was “covfefe”

  3. Reagan may have had a famous speech but the context for most of his actions were pure theater and pure poison for the United States.

  4. There is not a liberal America and a conservative America – there is the United States of America. There is not a black America and a white America and latino America and asian America – there’s the United States of America.

  5. Fucking piece of shit couldn’t even say he denounces bomb threats against schools. Instead doubled down on his hate campaign of the week.

  6. “when you have 15 people, and the 15 **within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero**, that’s a pretty good job we’ve done”

    – President tRump on Covid case numbers, Feb 26, 2020

  7. Ummmmm, he is just a regular old citizen like the rest of us. Don’t anoint him prematurely please.

    A dipshit citizen declared his hatred for a pop star last week, nothing more.

  8. Trump is an embarrassment to the USA, and I am absolutely ashamed of my country making that orange asswipe idiot the GOP nominee again.

  9. To be fair, this is one of the most coherent and understandable sentences he wrote or said in the last decade.

    It is true, simple, free from misspellings and weird word substitutions, short and not meandering and to the point.

    The point is stupid, but as far as Trump quotes go this one is top shelf.

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