Additional Hezbollah devices explode across Lebanon

Additional Hezbollah devices explode across Lebanon

Posted by AravRAndG

  1. Frickin amazing. These terrorists aren’t going to touch a device for the next decade. Their dark age morals will now be matched by their dark age technology.

    Going off at a terrorist funeral is just *chefs kiss*

    This is a clear message to the normies in Lebanon not to let these psychos take over.

  2. If Israel/Mossad can remote detonate mobile devices and radios, then no doubt CIA and other parties can do so too

    It’s scary to think about what could happen if this technology gets in the hands of others

  3. It’s absolutely insane to see this happen. Just imagine just how much time, money, and planning went into this. Think about the sheer complexity to not only get something like this done but to keep it secret from the organization using the devices. This is going to be the future of warfare for better or worse.

  4. I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if thousands of terrorist dicks cried out in terror and were suddenly severed.

    I feel that something hilarious has happened.

  5. >Reuters later quoted senior Hezbollah official Hashem Safieddine as saying the terror group was in a “new phase” and a “punishment is certainly coming

    The punishment plans will arrive any day now via pony express. 

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