‘Disgusted and disappointed’: Young undecided voters say they’re fed up with Team Trump

‘Disgusted and disappointed’: Young undecided voters say they’re fed up with Team Trump


Posted by likeaforest

  1. As are old decided voters and middle aged decided and undecided voters. We are all sick of this Sack of Shit and his whining and lying and generally fuckery.

  2. Some of these young people.deserve the future they will get because of their attitude. Don’t vote then get your vote taken away and enjoy the life you won’t have. It’s unbelievable how stupid these people are.

  3. If you still need to make up your mind after everyone this man cavorts with- remember that he also smells so bad he attracts flies.

  4. Ah, misspent youth… I’m older now and I understand the stakes, but at their age I was a uniformed idiot. I would just hope that they would consider how quickly things can change if the wrong candidate (Trump) is elected. Project 2025 is going to feel apocalyptic.

  5. Seriously though.

    Every time I see a clip of JD, it’s like he is actively trying to throw the election.

    Like trying to defend Laura Loomer (who even MTG marked as racist), by saying it doesn’t matter if you eat curry or fried chicken is wild.

  6. anyone “undecided” at this point is either playing for attention or needs to wake the fuck up.

  7. my (half)brother is 12 years younger than me. i was already 24 when Trump first ran for office. my brother’s entire upbringing, like mine, was hardcore Republicanism. Foxnews, Mark Levin, Joel Osteen, Bill O reilly, you name it. I grew out of it when I was a 16 year old listening to American Idiot and learning guitar. have had discourse with my family since 2020 after refusing to bite my tongue any longer. 

    well, my brother is 20 now. he was still leaning Republican based on how he was raised. but he watched the recent debate and texted me saying “who the fuck is this man?”. i told him “exactly what I’ve been telling you for the last 8 years.”

    and he said “yeah, you were right. i understand now.” 

  8. Policies? This thug is just an empty vessel. He is literally for sale to the highest bidders.

  9. It’s single handedly the worst run and least organized campaign of my lifetime. No, shit people don’t want to vote for him. He’s a dumpster fire on a train track

  10. I hope so. I hope that they improve their abilities to recognize fraudsters. They’ll need it in their futures.

  11. How can any young person at this point be uninformed. For gods sake young women have lost and have more to lose than anyone. Losing their lives, their freedoms. It’s just being. Time to put a stop to this crap.

  12. What – you don’t want to live under the heel of that old fat slob fart!!! How dare you – after all he has done for you.

  13. I just don’t understand how undecided voters can look at both candidates and STILL have any doubts about who’s the fucking fascist in this picture. It literally blows my mind.

  14. There are 3 types of people who like DUMP. The STUPID, the LAZY (too lazy to do their own research) and the EVIL who use him for monetary gain. Which one are you?

  15. Vote! Vote this election and every election after this. Unfortunately this is more of a marathon than a sprint. 

    I turned 18 in 2000 and every election since (and including that one) has been exhausting. And somehow it’s only gotten worse! Just can’t trust the republican party

  16. Hmm where did they get these young ppl from? No mention of their backgrounds & political leanings.
    They lost me at their descriptipn of Kamala Harris as phony & terrifying. What are they undecided about – a guy whose already promised he’ll be a dictator from day 1 & suspend the Constitution, versus a supremely competent woman who speaks the truth & has laid out a plan to help the working class?
    I don’t think this group was chosen randomly.

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