Person blown out of window during Israels second round of device attacks

Person blown out of window during Israels second round of device attacks

by improbablydrunknlw

  1. I don’t like the way they’ve been handling Gaza overall but if they could have done this to Hamas in the first place Gaza wouldn’t be happening now.

    And these videos also show casualty assessments from people being injured around them are grossly overestimated. Every video we’ve seen have been individuals taking the brunt of it. While most other people just run away.

    “Do you have tinnitus from the blast? You do? Congrats you’re a casualty. Warp this bandage around your head and start crying in front of the cameras”

  2. Hezbollah out there buying up string and tin cans. And still worrying about them.

    “Moustafa, where did you buy these cans?”

    (Moustafa looks at receipt “Tel Aviv can company”)

  3. Ignoring everything political about Israel, Palestine and the war in Gaza:
    This was a fascinating masterpiece in covert warfare. Rigging entire charges of pagers and walkie-talkies with explosives and letting hezbollah get their hands on it. Injuring roundabout 3000 (?) combatants with minimal civilian casulties and with it destroying communication, moral and trust in hezbollah leadership. A devastating blow.

    We truly live in interesting times…

  4. You’ve got to hand it to Mossad. Not only is this a ridiculous op to pull off logistically, the psychological effect this will have in Labbannon will be immense. People are probably turning toasters on at arms length with a pool cue over there.

  5. It’s wild that with this operation, it shows just how many “regular joes” are helping terrorists in these countries. 

  6. Does anyone know where we can see more of these videos? They get removed from this sub as i guess technically they are not conbat footage.

  7. Hezbollah should have used nokia pager… cheap bastards want to invest more on killing rather than taking care of their people.

  8. I still can’t fathom how they even pulled off an operation like this. This cannot be the job of only a handful of people who knew about this. Alot of people had to know about this and nothing slipped through the cracks to the enemy. It is seriously next level planning and attack. Not only did they do damage to a large group of people who are part of hezbolla but they are now easily identifiable as well with missing hands, fingers, eyes and god knows what more.

    At the same time I am also baffled that America is letting this all pass. You’d think they would take a bigger role to stop this shit from happening and be more cautious because this easily will escalate shit into an all out war.

  9. Lol so Hezbollah is literally having their balls blown off, their entire supply chain compromised and are now being blasted out of windows. I’d be giving my two-week notice to Nasrallah right about now..

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