Scottish Westminster Voting Intention

by backupJM

  1. Rather pointless given that the next general election is likely 5 years away – but interesting to see the changes so soon after the election. I wonder if it’s tactical voters returning to the party they actually prefer or dissatisfaction with Labour in Westminster – or both.

  2. I’m surprised that Sir Kier’s ‘you might get something nice, but only right before the next election’ message isn’t getting the cut through that the focus groups promised.

  3. This was always going to be the case when you have a grown up party in power. The SNP will continue to lie, make false promises they know they can’t keep. The uneducated will lap it up because they rather not face the truth.

  4. Labour-tories are every bit as bad as the Conservative-tories and it took less than 8 weeks for voters to realize that.

    Austerity measures and trickle-down economics have been an abject failure, destroying communities, manufacturing, the economy, people’s lives, and any hope for the future. But Keir Starmer has his nice new suits, hipster glasses, and VIP seats at Arsenal games, so he’s set.

  5. A ten point drop is mental – when’s the last time we’ve seen that, even in an outlier or with a methodology change? Definitely never in a weekly poll right?

    If it holds up in future polling, in three months, Starmer’s labour have managed to undo two years worth of work for Scottish Labour. [The last time]( they polled in the 20s was in October last year, the last time they polled 25 or below was in August of 2022!

  6. I wouldn’t be surprised if there is a record low turnout for the next election as confidence in every single of the larger Scottish parties will be at an all time low.

  7. All voters are stupid, but Scottish voters especially so. Loads of these would have just voted Labour “to get the tories out” despite it looking like a landslide for months and having Scottish Labour MPs makes no difference in Westminster.

  8. People: Vote labour to bring change

    Change: Doesn’t occur within 4 months

    People: Supports other party

  9. I don’t give a shit how we vote in Westminster, if Scots vote Labour into Bute House I’m gonna lose my 💩!!!

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