Huw Edwards: Attorney general under pressure to appeal against ‘lenient’ sentence for ex-BBC presenter

Huw Edwards: Attorney general under pressure to appeal against ‘lenient’ sentence for ex-BBC presenter

by GeoWa

  1. “The court heard that the 63-year-old paid up to £1,500 to Alex Williams, 25, who sent Edwards 41 illegal images, seven of which were of category A, the very worst kind.”

    Good, he should be in jail. Whilst the attorney general is at it he should review all the other pathetic sentences handed out to child sex offenders

  2. It wasn’t lenient. It was a standard sentance in line with guidelines. And this is exactly why guidelines exist so we aren’t sentancing people arbitrarily based on how much public outrage they attract.

  3. He got sent some photos.

    He’s a scum bag but get a sense of proportion. He’s about as pathetic and useless as you can get, he’s no danger to anyone but himself.

  4. His sentencing was within the guidelines… but (and never regard anything said before that word). This was a man very much in the public sphere who has spent his career reporting on and denouncing noncery at high levels. The sentencing comments were a litany of excuses for the behaviour of someone who should have known far better, and I doubt someone without his ‘privilage’ (lack of an Oxbridge tie) would have been given as much of a benefit of the doubt.

  5. I’m not sure how I feel about jail. His internet usage should be monitored and all paedophile sex offenders should be on the register for life, but I think rich offenders should get massive, massive fines. He should be also be ordered to pay back the BBC, asshole took public money when he knew he should have resigned. I’d strip his fat BBC pension too

  6. He cannot reasonably be given a harsher sentence than the person who sent him the images, who didn’t get a custodial sentence either. All of the sentences are too light, but that means the whole system needs to change, not one person made an example of because he’s famous.

  7. I really struggle to comprehend how people in the comments seem to be content with the sentence. Is it in the guideline? Yes – are the guidelines fucked? Also yes. Someone who willingly purchased the most serious images has got a suspended sentence… People have to remember children were seriously harmed for that content he encouraged by purchasing.

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