Hungary says company linked to Hezbollah pagers has ‘no manufacturing’ site in country

Hungary says company linked to Hezbollah pagers has ‘no manufacturing’ site in country

by aWhiteWildLion

  1. I guess it was f’ing Solid Snake then, snuck onto the freighter shipping and tampered with the entire shipment.

  2. That’s not surprising, is it? 

    They were definitely manufactured in Israel.

    Hungary was just used for administrative purposes, since no Lebanese company would buy pagers made in Israel.

  3. Don’t deny it, Orban. we know you killed those Hezbollah members. You will answer to your boss for that.

  4. Taiwanese company CEO said “3 years ago this Hungarian company BAC Consultant came to us. They wanted to produce these devices in Hungary. We accepted but there was a disagreement, they didn’t wanted to put their name on products, instead they insisted to use our brand on it. That was strange but we agreed”.

    BAC Consultant shut down its website yesterday. CEO of the company Cristiana Bársony-Arcidiacono removed her photograps from her LinkedIn account yesterday. She has an interesting background; she worked for International Atom Energy, EU commission, UNESCO and many other different organizations in Africa, South America, South East Asia, Europe 🕵🏻‍♂️

  5. In the last few weeks I emailed HKC enquiring if any of their alarm systems or components are made in Israel.

    I didn’t get an answer yet I got fired immediately after that.

  6. Jihadist1 to Jihadist2, Over…..chttttt
    You don’t need to add the chtttt. It does it on its own.
    Allahu Akbar over…..chttttt.
    Stop it.

  7. And that’s not even close to the most batshit crazy thing the Hungarian government has said regarding this scandal! The most batshit crazy thing (so far) is this, emphasis by me:

    >HVG asked Bertalan Havasi, Viktor Orbán’s press chief, the Ministry of National Defense and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade whether Hungary’s exposure or threat to national security has increased due to the whistle-blowing case, and if so, whether steps have been taken to avert or mitigate this.

    >A response was received only from the Government Information Center:

    >**”There is freedom of enterprise in Hungary.** The mentioned company did not receive any orders from the Hungarian government for anything, and it did not ask for permission from the government for anything. The company operates as a private enterprise.”

    (Google translated from [source](

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