London Newest Bus Early Peak 😏

London Newest Bus Early Peak 😏

by That-Group-8695

  1. Hopefully they’ll have learnt from the “absolutely unusable in summer” Routemasters and actually fitted these with air-conditioning. But I doubt it, because TFL.

  2. how do EV buses charge? do the use the same Type 2 plug that normals EV’s use or somthing higher power?

  3. For anyone wondering, this is the next generation Alexander Dennis Enviro400 EV. This particular model seems to have been built for Stagecoach’s spec, judging by the grey interior and orange poles – and by the bus set to route 314 (which is operated by Stagecoach).

  4. Would someone explain to me why 63 bus got new buses last year and now there’s a new bus? Like why so many new buses but so few routes doing them!

  5. God that is sexy. I’m guessing the battery technology gets a bit better with each new model?

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