Donald Trump says Fed’s half-point rate cut shows US economy is ‘very bad’

Donald Trump says Fed’s half-point rate cut shows US economy is ‘very bad’

by FUSeekMe69

  1. He also pressured Powell to lower rates before COVID while claiming the US economy was the best it ever was.

  2. Trump doesn’t understand economics. His comments on this are dumb and as always self serving. Giving him any influence over the Fed is a *disastrous* idea

  3. Trump has no clue, yet then again, if bringing the rates down by 1/2 of 1% indicates how bad things are, then why did he (Trump), in 2019 (Pre-Covid) call for the Federal Reserve to slash rates into the Negative? []( Would this, using the same logic today, suggest that things were really, really bad under the Trumps administration if President Trump wanted the same Fed Chair (Jerome Powell) to slash rates to NEGATIVE?

  4. He has single-handedly reduced the economics of the fed dual mandate to a singular mandate of _bad_ and _not bad_. His intellect is truly mystifying

  5. Trump wants very low rates when he is president but also claims cutting rates means economy is very bad. What a moronic statement.

  6. As bad as 2019 when trump was threatening Powells job to bring down the rates?

    I want to hear some cognitive dissonance from conservatives

  7. He also says that tarriffs are paid by China and that the president can just sign a bill without it passing Congress first. He doesn’t know how the world works so I’m not sure why anybody listens to what he says.

  8. More on this subject from other reputable sources:

    – Axios (B+): [Fed interest rate cut means borrowing money will get cheaper for customers](
    – Los Angeles Times (B): [Fed cuts interest rates half a point, the first reduction since 2020](
    – BBC Online (A-): [US goes big with first interest rate cut in four years](
    – NPR (B+): [The Federal Reserve starts cutting interest rates in a big moment for the economy](

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  9. I mean this is like the most true thing he’s ever said. Fed would not be cutting rates at 50 points if the economy was booming like Biden/Harris kept proclaiming.

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