Putin is embarking on an aggressive hiring drive to rejuvenate Russia’s army. But he can’t sustain it, experts say.

Putin is embarking on an aggressive hiring drive to rejuvenate Russia’s army. But he can’t sustain it, experts say.


by Horsepankake

  1. “Where are the resources going to come from? How is the recruitment going to work? There are still some serious questions about how they will be equipped.”. While Putin might still be able to grow Russia’s army, it may only add more strain to the already-stretched Russian labor force.


    Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered an increase of 180,000 troops to boost the Russian army, raising its total personnel to 2.38 million, making it the second largest in the world. This decision, part of ongoing military expansions since the Ukraine invasion, raises concerns among experts about Russia’s ability to resource and train such a large force without straining its economy.

    Analysts highlight that Russia’s economy is already under pressure from inflation and a tight labor market, with an unemployment rate near full employment. Recruitment efforts have increasingly targeted low-income individuals and prison inmates, and there are worries that this could lead to significant economic impacts. The challenges of maintaining troop levels, particularly as equipment stocks dwindle post-2026, further complicate Russia’s military ambitions. Additionally, some officials have resorted to pressuring African migrants and students into military service. Overall, while Russia may achieve its recruitment goals in the short term, it risks long-term economic instability.

  2. He is hedging on 2025 being a decisive year in the war. Ukraine’s manpower and resources are dwindling to a critical level. I am very skeptical if Ukraine can withstand another major offensive in Eastern Ukraine, especially if Pokrovsk falls before the end of this year.

  3. Late stage dictators facing death and disgrace have frequently turned to absurd demands and declarations. Like quests for immortality, building elaborate tombs with rivers of mercury, ordering the ocean to be flogged, appointing a horse to be their military advisor.

    Just this week, Putin (71 years old mind you) ordered Russians to start having sex during work breaks and to increase the size of army by 180,000 men. If people started boinking today, the first soldier he could send into battle would suit up when he would be 89 years old. Good luck making it that far, Vlad.

    The scale of what a disaster this war has been for them is hard to grasp in contemporary terms. It will be studied for CENTURIES as one of the biggest imperial self-own fuck ups ever. Up there with Darius and the Persians deciding to go slap around that impudent Alexander of Macedon.

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