OC – A trip to Köln/Cologne’s cathedral

OC – A trip to Köln/Cologne’s cathedral


by FomalhautCalliclea

  1. A bit more lore on these pictures: the mesmerizing rainbow on the first pic comes from the second pic’s painted glass, which is a set of multicolor squares (it’s not easy to see on the second pic because of my poor talents at light photography).

    This glass is much more recent than the rest of the cathedral, which was almost entirely spared by WW2, amazingly, except the glass that used to be in that place… the new one was made by a modern artist, Gerhard Richter, asked to represent god, and to do so, he decided to represent an abstract yet all encompassing image, choosing purposefully something that would reflect light in such a wonderful manner.

    The glass was financed by donations from citizens and the artist did it for free.

    So that rainbow isn’t a coincidence, it was on purpose.

    The cathedral took nearly 600 years (1248-1880) to fully build and was one of the longest cathedral construction in history.

    The golden reliquary is the Shrine of the Three Kings, 800 ish years old.

    Sadly the visit was way too short and i didn’t have the time to see everything nor to make proper quality pictures as i wanted…

    Hope you enjoy.

  2. Gorgeous!
    Though I’m not religious in any way shape or form there is something so peaceful going into a cathedral like this that’s been around for ages.
    In the evening is the best, the candles, shadows around you and just sitting. If it’s completely empty all the better. It clears the mind and feels serene.

  3. Pictures don’t so justice how magnificent the cathedral is seeing it irl. Firsf time I walked out the train station i was amazed. 

  4. Pictures can not show you how impressive and huge this cathedral really is. I believe they spend 600 years to finish this thing. There were 400 years where they did almost nothing. 🙂 I love to see it from a distance, this huge black gothic medieval marvel towering high above the surrounding buildings.

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