Kremlin’s war in Ukraine ‘a stunning Russian military failure,’ British diplomat says the country’s significant losses in manpower “paint a bleak picture”& destroying a quarter of the Russian Black Sea Fleet add up to a “stunning Russian military failure.”

Kremlin’s war in Ukraine ‘a stunning Russian military failure,’ British diplomat says the country’s significant losses in manpower “paint a bleak picture”& destroying a quarter of the Russian Black Sea Fleet add up to a “stunning Russian military failure.”

by RoninSolutions

  1. You could argue the war in Ukraine is already a Russian strategic defeat, they have met none of their own stated goals and instead are locked in a war of attrition that’s gutting their mid to long term economy and grinding away their projectable military strength. To make matters worse there seems to be no ‘easy way out’ for Russia, only at great political or further great military losses. It seems the political elite in Russia is more willing to double down and drag Russia further into the rabbit hole then to f.e. admit defeat, leave Ukraine and face the political backlash. Their position is deemed more important than the future of Russia.

    Btw, this is not to say Ukraine is ‘winning’, Ukraine is still fighting for survival.

  2. It was obvious more than a year ago that even if russia wins this war, they have still lost.
    The Ukrainians have inflicted so much long term military, economic, and demographic damage to them that there’s probably no coming back for them.

  3. If you obey N. Korea and ask them for help, that in itself is a clear sign of how much of a failure ruzzia is. It also shows that Ukraine is so much stronger in terms of will and as a society.

  4. Putin started the war because he had nothing to offer for his people except the outlook to restore old “greatness”. Russia had enough potential for other ways to be great, but those aren’t compatible with authoritarian systems. Russia was a failed state when Putin started the war. So it’s not only a military failure it’s a complete failure.

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