Stole this post from a fellow Dane and am interested to see your solutions.

Stole this post from a fellow Dane and am interested to see your solutions.

by AndersDreth

  1. I’m sorry Lars but according to the memes in every trolley problem you have to do the multitrack drifting.

  2. DEJA-VU. I’ve just been in this place before. Higher on the street and I know it’s my time to go.

  3. Question, is the Dane made out of LEGO ?
    Because in this economy I’d have to kill the Swedes and take the minifig

  4. Lol this got posted in the trolley sub and people went ape-shit about racism, it was pretty funny.

  5. Instead of throwing trolleys at the problem. Why not throw navel warships at it instead. šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”

  6. Multitrack drift seems tempting but what if derail before sweden is empty? After all i do need Lebensraum….

  7. I am taking out the Dane and then backing up and making sure to run over him couple more times.

    Denmark is literally just Netherlands, but without all the weed and hookers

  8. The Swedes provide both my car and cheap furniture needs. I can live without some fairly mid pastries so I pick the Dane.

  9. Ohh nooo the lever is stuckā€¦ so many ā€œinnocentā€ lives are gonna be lost im so sadā€¦

  10. The solution to each and every trolley problem is to derail the trolley by switching while it’s passing the turnout.

  11. If you kill the Dane to save every Swede, the Swedes will have to thank you and worship you (and the deceased Dane) eternally. Food for thought…

  12. We could just send one of our 13-year old child soldiers to blow up the trolley before it hits anyone.

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