Putin readying for mobilisation: Russia Tests New Electronic Summons Registry, operational Nov 1 | Once a summons is added to the registry, it is considered served after seven days. All Russian citizens listed in the registry are automatically banned from leaving the country

Putin readying for mobilisation: Russia Tests New Electronic Summons Registry, operational Nov 1 | Once a summons is added to the registry, it is considered served after seven days. All Russian citizens listed in the registry are automatically banned from leaving the country


by brezhnervous

  1. The West needs to make sure when Putin mobilizes it’s equivalent to hitting the self destruct button. 

  2. I’d like to think this is where the Bunker Goblin gets triple fried fucked but he seems to have more lives than a Cat…..

  3. There is a surprising number of YT channels dedicated to building survival “huts” in Russia. By hut they mean bunker and by survival they mean “avoid mobilisation”.

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