Apple wird von der EU zur Öffnung des iPhone-Betriebssystems gewarnt

Apple wird von der EU zur Öffnung des iPhone-Betriebssystems gewarnt

  1. *From Bloomberg News reporter Samuel Stolton:*

    Apple is set to be warned by the European Union to open up its highly guarded iPhone operating system to rival technologies, or eventually risk significant fines.

    EU watchdogs are due to announce under the bloc’s new Digital Markets Act that the California-based firm must step into line with strict new rules on making operating systems fully functional with other technologies, according to people familiar with the matter, who spoke under condition of anonymity.

    One of the aims of the DMA is to ensure that other developers can gain access to key iPhone features, such as its Siri voice commands and its payments chip.

  2. I get the feeling if the EU pressures Apple too much, they just might pull out. “Europe” (Apple defines Europe as Europe+India for some reason) doesn’t make them too much money.

  3. I like Europe and all, but Apple should tell them to swiftly fuck off. USB-c was fine.. but why not just ask Coca-Cola to release their recipe?

    This is ridiculous

  4. This is what you get when laws are created by technologically illiterate people. Reminds me some early laws about cars… which were drafted by people who only knew horses. If I remember correctly there was a law that required a person to walk in front of the car to warn people about it.

  5. One reason I switched to apple after a decade in android is reliability but also tbh it’s because in the iPhone 15 it finally became type-c.

    Regulations can help a lot but too much can just make harm in the long term, it’s just a fine dance regulators must do. You want to let competition happen but also allow innovation

  6. Apple should be careful, EU forced Microsoft to allow equal access to the operating system and we got CrowdStrike crashing windows systems all over the world.

  7. The privacy and security that Apple’s iOS provides against Russian hackers should be considered.

    Europe… don’t do this.

  8. KFC should open up their 12 secret herbs and spices recipe as well, to create a more level playing field in the chicken-based fast food industry and to avoid trapping people into the colonels delicious clutches

  9. Apple created a walled garden.

    People chose the walled garden and stay there.

    Now they need to open up the walled garden so that other companies can get to the people of the walled garden?

    Sounds like desperation.

  10. What if iPhone users *want* a closed OS? If consumers want an open OS they can buy android, if you want a closed one but Apple. Regulation to remove consumers choice rather than trust consumers to be informed. No one forces app developers to sell on apples platform, they can choose to only sell on android, it’s only developers own greed that puts them into the App Store, so maybe they should be considered informed about what that entails?

    This stinks of politicians going for policies they think will do well with voters, one day they’ll add up if more voters use android or Apple and just ban the other entirely to fuel the applause.

  11. The amount of Apple simping in the comments is insane. Tech oligopolies are not your friends and brand loyality will not get you a coupon for their app stores.

  12. politicians want in on some money eh?

    The reason people chose Apple is because its reliable, doesn’t have various company shoving loads of crap on there, making it worse.

    I love Android flexibility but honestly, its a worse if you want reliability and consitency on a phone. I can’t rely on Android. Last time I had it, one update broke my phone. Didn’t go back after that

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