Who do Britons trust to tell the truth? Most Britons trust doctors, scientists, teachers and judges, but Reform UK voters have significantly less trust in most institutions

Who do Britons trust to tell the truth? Most Britons trust doctors, scientists, teachers and judges, but Reform UK voters have significantly less trust in most institutions


by insomnimax_99

  1. Drinking deep the nectar of the conspiracy theory well, will do that.

    To them there is the truth and then the truth.

  2. Interesting that there’s such a gap between “scientists” and “academics”.

    The trend with Reform voters is interesting though. I’d strongly argue one of the major features of the hybrid/culture war that has been waging since the mid-2010s has been to make as large a portion of the population as possible distrustful of the liberal rules-based system that has developed post-WW2 and leave people in a state where random facebook posts seem just as credible as senior leaders of public bodies like the police or the courts. And it seems to be working! The ***only*** source where Reform voters aren’t trailing the rest of the UK in trust levels is… drum roll please!… GB News! What a shock! And by quite a significant margin, around 50% compared to 30% for the rest of the UK! Meanwhile Reform voter trust in the BBC is well under half of that compared to the rest of the UK electorate.

  3. Anti intellectualism is a truly awful thing. It’s because of this that the we have antivaxxers able to spread lies. Hatemongers weaponise it to pour poison into peoples ears.

    Also we see these same people looking for others to blame other people for the problems. Foreigners, young people, the disabled, people on benefits, workers striking etc.

    This is what allows grifters like Farage and Yaxley-Lennon to make inroads and destroy our country from within.

  4. I don’t blindly trust doctors anymore. They just repeat what they are trained in, and the training is sometimes wrong or the people training the doctors are bought for academics by the food industry or big pharmaceutical companies. Once you see the games being played you cannot unsee them, and you question everything.

  5. So basically Reform voters are the least gullible.

    Makes sense they wouldn’t trust the institutions they are supporting being reformed.

  6. Well Reform voters believe teachers are indoctrinating their children with communism and “LGBT ideology”

  7. Well it’s because these people are all morons or scammers, mostly obsessed with self enrichment and without a moral bone in their body. Giving power to any arbitrary bodies is always a mistake, they should have zero power.

  8. Reform voters seem to believe whoever tells them whatever it is they already believe. It’s confirmation bias all the way down, and anything that challenges those beliefs is fake news to them. Facts, figures, statistics, quotes – whatever it is that doesn’t already confirm their beliefs, just simply isn’t real to them.

  9. I dunno about drs. I know a ton of people who mentioned medical gaslighting as the reason they can’t get help for various conditions. Including a few NHS staff members.

  10. When it refers to ‘impart accurate and honest information’, I assume that this is limited to their field of expertise and not that they trust them more implicitly in every aspect simply because of their position/role/status.

  11. I dont know any doctors, scientists, teachers or judges, so I don’t know if the one that is getting quoted is trustworthy or a plant by whoever is pushing the agenda in question.

    [This scenelet lives in the back of my mind every time](https://youtu.be/lADB9Qu53CY?si=ELkn7PC7iLprlk3r) which is a damn shame because I bet I discount a lot of truth as “yeah probably bullshit”.

  12. Reform politicians and supporters put forward conspiracy theories and lies about all institutions. Even this morning on GMB, Nigel Farage was pushing for the UK to leave the ECHR, because of the immigration crisis. A crisis that wasn’t a crisis until Farage and the Tories made it one. Ironically now that the UK is out of the EU, immigration is three fold what it was while a member of the EU.

    Farage was still pushing the ideology that the ECHR was the legal institution stopping the UK Government dealing with immigration numbers and boat crossings. Basically, he was misleading the viewer. The real reasoning behind leaving the ECHR is to remove more rights and protections from the British people.

    I have a friend that pushes the Reform agenda in to a lot of conversations. He is a backer of leaving the ECHR, yet is a Liverpool Football Club supporter. Yet the statement ”Without article 2 of the European Convention on Human Rights the gross negligence behind the deaths at Hillsborough would never have been uncovered” holds no relevence or meaning for him. Many Reform supporters don’t actually know, or even research the facts and institutions that protect us all. They believe liars and shysters such as Farage. Why are they like this? Ignorance or just downright stupidity?

  13. I know a lot of people are saying Reform are just idiots, and some definitely are, but people forget that low trust in institutions is spreading throughout the western world.

    It’s easy to say oh everyone is just stupid, instead of admitting that a lot of westerners have lost respect and trust in institutions such as the media, military and governments for very good reasons (rampant media bias, Iraq invasion lies, low sentences for criminals). Instead of calling everyone stupid the country as a whole and especially the government should really look in the mirror as to why so many people are losing trust in institutions (although misinformation and hoaxes are ofc contributors).

  14. Anti-establishment voters trust public sector workers less than non-Anti-establishment voters.

    Shocking. In other news, the sky is blue.

  15. This comment section is such a shit show lol.

    “Everyone who votes for [party I don’t like] is stupid”

    “Reform UK voters are dumb because they don’t mindlessly parrot whatever the television tells them to”

  16. This comment section is a perfect example of the toxic dialectic that has been established. You don’t trust the blatantly failing, incompetent institutions in this country? Clearly you’re part of the The Other Team and need to be mocked into submission.

    Midwit redditors are too concerned with dunking on their perceived inferiors to do anything useful – ultimately the same trap that right wing “culture warriors” fall into.

  17. kind of amusing how the last bit has generated so much “engagement” from those that think they belong to the intelligent side.

  18. They are politically disenfranchised and feel no one listens to them.

    Pretty widespread throughout Europe just now and reflects people that feel threatened and feel failed by a political elite.

  19. That’s because the self-affirming bollocks that Reform comes up with so often comes into direct conflict with people with expertise in a field, and – when push comes to shove – truculent simpletons would rather believe that everyone is lying to them than their fairy stories being untrue.

  20. I don’t trust anyone implicitly.

    Trust needs to be earned, so I will decide if I think I should trust a specific teacher, scientist or doctor.

    As for judges, after the shitshow of letting nonces off with light or suspended sentences, I wouldn’t trust one as far as I could throw one.

    Also worth noting that science thrives on implicitly not trusting someone else’s work. Because that means repeating their experiments or going through their maths to either verify or deny their claims.

    Without that, science itself would lose trust.

  21. Funny how those who proclaim themselves as most sceptical are almost universally so spectacularly gullible and open to the most ludicrous of obvious charlatans it boggles the mind.

  22. Hilarious about face when it comes to supporting your team. Suddenly redditors trust the government, the police, ofsted, dept of work and pensions…

  23. I personally see this as perfectly rational.

    If the major institutions are very far to the left of your politics and hold opposing values of course you wouldn’t trust them.

    Couple that with very real problems in all those institutions and it’s not a surprise at all.

  24. Gotta love Reddit’s righteous narrow minded mindset of just dismissing all Reform voters as idiots or conspiracy theorists. Running right onto the path of dictators.

    It’s a loss of trust from assessing where we are at now. Look at where we are where Europe is. Far right is a symptom of the disease not the disease itself. If people talked about these things and not just name calling we’d all begin to understand this.

  25. without getting into insulting people i can understand why. People dont like narratives that dont fit their view of the world. Lots of REFORM voters feel like public institutions are geared to towards serving minority interests and politicians are in it for themselves (P.S so much for Starmer stating he would clean out corruption given the crap ton of gifts he has had recently) . So they distrust major institutions rightly or wrongly.

    EDIT 1

    Personally i get my news from more than one source before deciding on something.

  26. as a total opposer if reform UK it saddens me that we have things in common I don’t trust doctors because they have spent too much time trying to give me drugs to get rid of me instead of providing the necessary physiotherapy that I had to battle for years. I don’t trust some teachers like history and RE but I am confident that the maths, english and science teachers were telling the truth. I don’t trust scientist because I have scientist friends and scientists are often bought to prove things for profit rather than in the name of science plus who made the A-Bomb. And why would I trust judges when nonces get off with suspended sentence and my drug suppliers go to prison. I want drugs not nonces. Again judges can be bought.

  27. Well, western institutions have taken a battering. I remember when peer review used to be naively viewed as cast-iron but over the years there’s been so many scandals and troubles in reproducing results it’s losing its reputation. Another one has been neoliberalism faltering almost everywhere outside America, with European nations declining in living standards to the level of poorer US states. Universities taking money from wealthy foreign students whom they know don’t have the English competency for the material and are even aware they cheat. There’s just a very general competency crisis that goes as wide and far as the west not being able to land astronauts on the moon anymore or how the tech sector has become a bad joke over the past 15 or so years.

  28. What’s astonishing is the number of people who use the phrase *it’s on Facebook/Twitter/snapchat* as an ippeachable source.

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