Ukraine is implementing military innovations faster than the US – Congressional hearing

Ukraine is implementing military innovations faster than the US – Congressional hearing

by Mil_in_ua

  1. Nothing out of the ordinary here. War breeds (military) innovation because they are in a greater need to survive and defeat the enemy. Whatever new situation the opposing force presents, there is an urge to counter/adapt to it.

  2. Well, the US system has stagnated to prioritize profit of the arms industry over the effectiveness or survival of the military. The answer is to put restrictions on congress and focus on standing up a nation wide cottage industry model.

    But that won’t happen until corpo power gets the collective dick smashing it needs.

    Watching the Ukrainian innovations live has been terrifying and exhilarating. Survival Imperative is like that.

  3. The country in active war uses all its resources to maybe not lose? Better write an article about the obvious.

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