Budget cuts will affect more than just pensioners, Wes Streeting hints

Budget cuts will affect more than just pensioners, Wes Streeting hints


by boycecodd

  1. I think everyone is going to be hit by this budget unless you are almost completely dependant on the state to get honest. Cars, savings, pensions, possibly housing, any income not from employed work, that type of thing.

    Either that or they’re floating the idea that it’s going to be really bad so everyone’s relieved when it’s just bad.

  2. The NHS is already a disaster. My friend’s mum is going back to Pakistan to get surgery. She can’t wait here indefinitely for an operation which will drastically improve her life.

    What’s Streeting’s plan for the NHS? Is it more privatisation?

  3. The £22 billion figure is based off a target that says borrowing should be no more than a certain amount. Change the target or how the target is measured and the black hole simply vanishes. Making people poorer for arbitrary targets is what the Conservatives were doing for 14 years and it doesn’t seem to work all that well.

  4. The UK is in long-term economic decline; the course correction required would be basically revolutionary. A fix was on offer by the vote — Corbyn’s plan for “People’s Quantitive Easing” — but the status quo saw it off and now we just get to choose how we want to be filleted.

    Don’t bother with naysayers who warn that state spending leads to inflation — we have been shafted by inflation *anyway*– what we lack is real productivity, real development of infrastructure and local production of real goods from food to electronics; state spending on this, in a very targeted and specific way that ensured it ended up in the pockets of workers and not offshore bank accounts, is the only way out. The UK needs to deflate its financial sector & shift back to local coordination of production.

    The private sector will not rebuild the UK, the short term profits are to be had in cannibalising the public sector and squeezing workers via austerity economics. Look at China — would the private sector coordinate lifting 800,000 people out of extreme poverty, or laying tens of thousands of KMs of high speed railway? It couldn’t possibly.

    We might need to abandon some old strategies as unworkable. The voter does not have options to hand for ending their own ruin. Try to sit with this for a bit before rushing on to the next step of trying to find solutions.

    I don’t expect this comment to be popular but who can respond with a sensible rebuttal? The current toolkit for handling the economy is totally busted.

  5. You know who it won’t affect?

    The ultra wealthy, the political class and the establishment. Glad you all voted for change.

  6. I’m a working person in the private sector, and Labour pledged that I won’t have my taxes raised, so I’d imagine I don’t have too much to worry about here.


  7. The reality is, you can’t cut your way to growth – either Labour know that, and this is all a cynical upwards redistribution of wealth, or they don’t, and they’re going to find out the hard way (ask the Germans how entirely arbitrary spending rules serve the economy). Either way, one thing can be stated with absolute confidence: If Labour maintains this policy through this parliament, Britain will not reverse course, and all Labour can offer is managed decline.

    The politics of hope feels like a distant memory.

  8. oh here we go, it’s the ill and disabled at fault. all those “false” claims, despite their own figures that fraud is 0.05%. Nothing to do with the fact of waiting lists and a broken NHS. Here’s a thought, why don’t you target the tax dodgers, are you afraid they’ll stop giving you freebies?

  9. Well they’re following IDS’s think-tank ideas on benefits, so I’m guessing some kind of workhouse in the immediate future to save money on benefits. Maybe some kind of eugenics for disabled people. You know, the sort of thing the party of service and integrity strive for.

  10. Oh good, it’s a barrel of laughs being an unpaid carer to three autistic teenagers, we’re rolling in money. About time vulnerable people suffer because of the incompetence of the rich.

  11. Hopefully more Labour MPs will get the ‘not welcome’ like the Labour MP at the weekend told to leave the pub, and Starmer, well he I just laughed when he got boo’d and called a wanker at the Doncaster races at the weekend.

    This government feels like the muppet show. Hopefully won’t last 5 years and no confidence happens well before 2029.

  12. I hate the framing of these cuts as something that they HAVE to do. It’s incredibly disingenuous seeing as the likes of Reeves have been [gagging to make cuts for over a decade now.](https://amp.theguardian.com/politics/2013/oct/12/labour-benefits-tories-labour-rachel-reeves-welfare)

    Make no mistake, this isn’t something they’re being forced to do because of the state of the country’s finances. These are decisions being made because of their ideological dogma.

    Austerity lead to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of the poorest and most vulnerable in our country, and these guys have been insisting for years that they want to go *further* than that. How anyone can see Neoliberalism as anything other than social eugenics I have no idea.

  13. Gotta pay for this £22 billion black hole somehow that magically manifested once Labour got into power but have no idea what the contents of the black hole are because it likely doesn’t even exist to that extent or Labour themselves has caused it.

    They shouldn’t be allowed to use this figure until they disclose the contents of the black hole.

  14. Austerity inbound, because surely losing a little less money means we will be able to do more austerity in the future when the backlog of investments is even more overdue and expensive!!

  15. So £1.4 billion for winter fuel allowance is unaffordable, and yet at the same time they can afford to send £12 BILLION in overseas climate aid. Fuxxing disgusting

  16. I recall with great affection a chap known as Bob Doom who used to stand around the Marble Arch area and Speakers’ Corner with a sign that read “IT’S GOING TO GET WORSE”. He was a very nice old boy, always smiling, and I used to chat to him sometimes at Marble Arch Tube.

    RIP mate: if only you had lived to see the Starmer and Reeves Show.

  17. Is it time to start realising that it doesn’t matter who you vote in – they’re all puppets following the same global agenda?

    Or you lot still in denial and want to call everyone a conspiracy theorist for thinking it?

  18. The simple problem is that too few people are net contributors. We need to find a way of increasing this- through a combination of increasing tax rates, reducing benefits and increasing those who are in the tax system

  19. Starmer fan club really are continuing to put us in a hole. Sabotaged the party when someone who would help people was leader and now are justifying continuation and expansion of Tory cuts.

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