A ground drone with a machinegun targeting a Russian position in Kursk oblast

A ground drone with a machinegun targeting a Russian position in Kursk oblast

by 1aToss

  1. Crossiut mobile game literally I love how that unmanned vehicles drove right over that land mine perfect 👌👌

  2. From source:

    *One warrior in the field*

    *The era is changing, the methods of warfare are also changing.*

    *A complex raid on enemy positions using a ground robotic complex, FPV and a mortar. The result: part of the enemy was destroyed, the rest fled. The NRK* [the drone] *received several RPG and FPV hits, however, it persevered, completed the task and returned to recovery*

    https:// t . me / ua_regteam/152

  3. Think about it from the Russian defensive point of view. That thing is too small of a target to hit with an RPG and it’s not like a person where zipping a few 7.62 rounds around their head is going to make them re-think shooting at you. Shit, even if you hit the thing with a rifle, you might not actually incapacitate it.

    Even worse, that thing ain’t super worried about cover. It’s just chillin out in the middle of the road knowing that the Russians aren’t going to be able to effectively engage it while being shot at.

  4. Fun fact, one of the latest donations in progress to Ukraine from here in Canada is 29 of the Nanuk Remotely Controlled Weapon Systems.

    They’re designed by Rheinmetall Canada to remotely control and fire a great many different weapons. This is not the full list.

    M2, MG 3 7.62 mm machine gun, M240, MG249 Minigun,

    MK19 40mm, Grenade Launcher, H&K GMG 40mm

    Javelin ATGM, Hellfire ATGM, CRV7 Rockets,

    Rheinmetall Canada has been working on the Mission Master platform for quite awhile which combines the Canadian Argo/Yeti/Sherpa recreational XTVs with basically a Nanuk system to make an army of ground drones that can go anywhere, kill anything.

    Here’s a quick video so you can see the capability and SIZE of these motherfuckers, Here’s a video of the Mission Master XT with a 1000kg payload capacity. [These are not small drones](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnpF_VMbrs0) because again they’re using Canadian Argo XTV vehicles as a base. The video shows just how insane these are.

    [Mission Master XT showing its mobility during the Nordic Trials in Finland.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMTtOA-1ZAY)

    [There’s also Mission Master SP, for fire support and other tasks. Here’s a video.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ctPLPR-QzyM)

    [Mission Master CXT video.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AoZ0mA-35yc)

    [Argo Centaur/Sherpa with dual M249 Miniguns.](https://breakingdefense.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2023/08/Mission-Master-CXT-M134D-Arizona-3-scaled.jpg) pictured here.

    [Argo with dual Thales rocket launchers.](https://www.defenceweb.co.za/wp-content/uploads/RDM-Ammunition-Capability-Demonstration/DSCN7311_resize.jpg)

    I’m really really, really, really wanting these entire Mission Master systems to get into the hands of Ukrainians for real world use to not only help the Ukrainians but to get invaluable data on their performance in real world applications.

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