Blanke Wut und echte Angst auf den Straßen des Libanon nach tödlichen Pager- und Radioexplosionen | Weltnachrichten

Blanke Wut und echte Angst auf den Straßen des Libanon nach tödlichen Pager- und Radioexplosionen | Weltnachrichten

  1. Raw anger and fear and crying about international law. Meanwhile Hezbollah ignores resolution 1701, and using shoot up the Israeli north rockets, anti tank missiles and drones for the 11th month.

    This was not an escalation, that is already behind us.

  2. Raw anger and fear? Well, stop shooting missiles will you. Israel is not attacking Lebanon because it want to but rather to stop further attack from Hezbollah. If people cannot stop Hezbollah then stay away from them.

  3. I completely understand. For nearly a year hezbollah has tried to stop Israel peacefully and negotiated a peace but now they get attacked like this… /s

  4. Did they express “raw anger” when the Hezbollah depot exploded in the Beirut harbor, nearly destroying half the city?

  5. Well, if selective targeting of communication equipment purchased by a “resistance group” hurts your feelings, go to the nearest Hizbulla recruitment centre and sign up to be a messenger pigeon.

  6. This in reality is a de-escalation move by Israel. Hezbollah now know how deep Israel is inside of them that it wouldn’t be too hard to believe that Israel knows their plans inside out and have the perfect counter measures if Hezbollah wants to be the first of the many Jihadist rats to be deleted. Their logistics are now fucked with almost any technology potentially being a suicide vest. Hezbollah have no choice but to back down and accept this humiliation or they’ll be jumping into a fight they will be curb stomped into dust in 

  7. You take the position that your neighbors nation does not have the right to exist, then they can do the same. I don’t understand the problem, this is how things work. Keep your rockets in your own nation maybe?

  8. Well stop being the religious nut jobs you are, respect your neighboring countries and their cultures, and maybe there wouldn’t be a coordinated attack against your militant arm of your government.

  9. Did Hezbollah think they could fire rockets indiscrimiately at Israeli civilains with impunity? They are getting what they deserve.

  10. Nobody has been convicted for the massive Beirut Explosion in 2020 because Hezbollah is preventing any real investigations and trial, which indicates that they are tied to this massive fuckup. And people in Lebanon still defend them, I wonder, how stupid can they be? Is there really no bottom to stupidity? This is maga level stupidity. It hurts thinking about it.

  11. Lol and all of this wouldn’t happen if they didn’t decide to become an Iranian extremist militia.  

  12. I know this may sound crazy, but don’t want to get blown up? Don’t wage war on other countries. It’s pretty simple really. Maybe too obvious?

  13. Theres this one simple life hack folks can do to not have to worry about being blown up like a Galaxy Note 7 rollout.

    Not be an Islamic terrorist.

  14. Start war, launch attacks on towns for a year repeatedly, call for international law when you get hit back. It’s the most important part of the Islamic terrorist handbook now.

  15. “Even if some of them [victims] are combatants, this is a non-discriminatory attack….and the use of this non-discriminatory force or attacks which, will clearly affect civilians, is in my mind against international law.” 😀 but lobbing thousands of rockets aimed at civilians is ok.

  16. Stop firing shit into Israel like cunts. Pretty funny israel was able to pull this James bond style shit off lmaoooo

  17. Collateral damage on civilians sucks, at the same time if Hezbollah forbids foreign journalists from filming the aftermath – as mentioned in the article – it likely means the overwhelming majority of casualties are in fact members of Hezbollah, which sounds like the intended target, and they don’t want further embarassment. I do hope this doesn’t escalate further and Hezbollah got the message. I believe if Israel wanted to invade they would have already massed troops and invade immediately afterwards.

  18. Terrorizing terrorists. Love it. Keep it up Israel.

    I bet you $$$ that Israel had a shit load of imagery all trained right as they all exploded and every single one of those locations are now painted targets…

    How’s it feel terrorists? To know you’re never safe and every single device you use may blow up at any time? How’s it feel to know your entire organization has been infiltrated and you can’t trust the person next to you?

  19. Without pager and two-way radio, the next way of communicating may be using motorcycle courier. Motorcycles will start to explode.

  20. Hey we know we started it but we are the victims you know like we will always be the victims PERIODT

  21. Terrorists were held accountable for their crimes. This is what justice looks like. Fuck Hezbollah and fuck everyone who supports those sadistic, medieval barbarians.

  22. The good thing here is Hezbollah terrorists are now either missing fingers and can’t shoot, missing eyes and can’t see to shoot or missing their family heels and can’t after the next generation of indoctrinated “soldiers”. Brilliantly executed

  23. Hats off to Israel on this one. Hezbollah is shook. They can’t even protect their own people. Love how they abash this incredibly well orchestrated strike as a violation of international law, when they themselves, are terrorists, who violate international law with every breath they take.

  24. Cut the cancer that is Hezbollah out of your country and live a prosperous life alongside Israel. Peace will be answered with peace.

  25. I really don’t understand it. Maybe somebody can enlighten me. Didn’t Hezbollah declare war on Israel in solidarity with Gaza? Isn’t every member of the militia now a legitimate target?

  26. Random rockets that are hitting people randomly – legit attack.
    Specialized surgical attack aimed at people who use a terrorist-only communication device – terrorist attack.

    Hamas and Hezbollah will always blame Israel for “violation of international law” while doing it themselves.

    Israel should do more attacks like these.

  27. > “Even if some of them [victims] are combatants, this is a non-discriminatory attack….and the use of this non-discriminatory force or attacks which, will clearly affect civilians, is in my mind against international law.”

    So they do condemn the attacks by Hezbollah displacing Israeli civilians. Kinda, Sorta if you read between the lines very carefully.

  28. Oct 7 – “great job Hamas. Your attack is so inspiring”

    Oct 8 – starts launching rockets at civilian targets in northern Israel

    9/15 – still launching rockets near daily.

    9/18 – “this is outrage! They can’t target and attack Hezbollah back! Courts courts!!!”

  29. ‘We were involved with radical terrorism, we got hit back, and now we demand justicccccce!’

    Eat shit.

  30. Frustrated with NPR and some news outlets on how they don’t explain the target is Hezbollah until paragraph 5 and then the context of rockets, etc. if you only read the first 4 paragraphs you think Israel is bombing anyone with any beeper or radio that is Lebanese

  31. First they toss their phones because they think Israel is tracing them (probably correct), then they get pagers that blow up in their hands, then their radios blow up.

    At this point they can’t trust any means of communication. They just got knocked back to a pre-digital age. This cripples the organization with minimal conflict and could avert an all out war. It’s brilliant and some of the best espionage and psyops in recent history.

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