Apple told to pay Ireland €13bn in tax by top EU court. #Apple #BBCNews

  1. Since I was born in the 80s in Ireland but moved away now, almost every day I people have been in the news because of some form of corruption. They are quite ridiculous. In the capital, I have been robbed at most stages of my life, either your washing line 😂 or bank account. It's a bout of daily tribunals and large stout and plump country chaps doing some doggy land deals or construction rackets. It beggers belief. I've had over 100 cycles of mostly poor second-hand quality stolen over the years. You can't even work, and they want you greecing the wheels of the unemployment system with hundreds of euros a week for sitting on your arse and hundreds more for your rent.

    Money is poured down the drain on nonsense projects from spires to flat estates, which are riddled with drugs and knocked down every few years.

    You can be sure apple was definitely paying someone something. There not innocent or dumb at all 😂

    Lol who on earth sits on 13 billion while the the usa goes down the pan to China and Russia 😂 you can't write this stuff

  2. Is it any wonder that billionaires supporting Trump have such a hard on for strengthening Russia. They’re looking to weaken west European democracies who tend to have pro-citizen tax structures.

  3. Well, now Ireland can take all that money, spend it on more whiskey, and eventually forget about the entire thing. Everybody wins, and the Irish are once again delayed from taking over the world due to God's best safeguard against Irish domination: Whiskey.

  4. ///Hello This is a very serious … Please help me! …..I've been harassed since 1997/98. My father's cousins consider me foreign and poor because they are rich and know billionaires…. These cousins are also involved in French intelligence services. These cousins are from the Lopez family, their families are in the Sommières region, in the Gard, in the south of France, in Vauvert the CER Traffic education center lopez …. They also have a large band in France and a large community… I was to marry one of their cousins, from the Sommières region in the Gard, a girl called Frédérique Rouffiange. I refused to mate with her in 1997. That's when the harassment started…. I spoke to several of these harassers and some of them told me they were part of the intelligence services… help me if you can! Share .please help me leave my country ! Please help me! There has been harassment and worse. Please help me leave this country! Please help me! Please help me! Please help me! Please help me ! My country is a country of misfortune for me … please help me to leave my country .] I'd like to start a business or a company, but I can't do that in France. Here I am harassed by the intelligence my life is very painful is a nightmare. Please help me to leave my country. Help me leave this country of traitors ! Please help me !

  5. This is not something to be happy about firstly companies like Apple make all of our lives better secondly, it’s not good. That countries are having their sovereignty eroded in these matters, especially countries like Ireland that need these incentives to make themselves competitive thirdly. The Irish government would do nothing with that money. It’s better off in the hands of people you know how to allocate capital properly notgovernment bureaucrats

  6. I'm all for big corporations paying taxes, but retroactively changing the rules years later is rather underhanded. None of us would like it if the government retroactively charged us higher taxes for income from years ago.

  7. If you’ve ever been to Ireland you will understand how all this will end. The most expensive COL in Europe, it’s all a massive fraud and cover up, the so called Celtic Tiger mark 2

  8. People seem to forget that it was exactly such incentives that turned the country around from the Bally-Go-Backwards backwater it was in the not so distant past to, well, whatever it is today. Fairplay to the Irish government in recognising that fact. Big business isn’t necessarily evil. If it brings jobs and attracts other businesses, peripheral or otherwise to the country, then how bad? You do not invite a guest to your home in the hope of currying favour with them only to slap them with a bill for the beers you had years later. It was a lot of beer, I do grant you

  9. The irish state/politicians should be shamed/sacked for this. This is something that benefits its own people yet they are arguing back? It is FAIR that Apple pay the same as others and they can use that money to invest in many other things that benefit their OWN people: infrastructure, R&D, affordable housing, etc. This is clearly an act of corruption if they are siding with the corporation to not pay their fair taxes.

  10. Apple set up in Ireland to avoid paying taxes in the US. Scambags–now Ireland wants the money–I'm guessing they don't care about the people in the US that got robbed. Karma is real.

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