Farage will not hold face-to-face surgeries amid fears of attack

Farage will not hold face-to-face surgeries amid fears of attack


by particlegun

  1. I mean, he does get attacked and abused in the street far more often than any other politician.

  2. Genuine question, does Starmer hold these surgeries?
    I feel like if you are a high profile figure this is to be expected.

  3. I mean, I don’t blame him. He’s been attacked multiple times already, there’s nutters out there who would take a knife to him given the opportunity.

  4. “Reform UK leader Nigel Farage said he would not hold face-to-face surgeries in his constituency”

    I’m sure this has nothing to do with him going to be in the USA trying to get his rapist mate reelected president.

  5. It’s not like a multimillionaire Tory donor has called for him to be shot like Diane Abbott.

    Also how many surgeries did he hold as an MEP? That’ll tell us his work ethics.

  6. The double standards on this sub are frightening. Political violence is never acceptable.

    If you can’t beat him with words then you are wrong.

  7. Given that his platform is based on festering hate and fear, it’s hardly a surprise he’s afraid of his constituents.

  8. If he did not want to hold face to face surgeries due to the fear of being attacked, why did he become an MP? 🤔

  9. Does say alot that politicians of all types fear violence. Its a damning indictment and pushes politicians ever further away from the public. Shame that some fanatics and attention seekers are doing this to us.

  10. Suuuure, that’s the reason. Nothing with trying to dodge his duty to his constituents and collect a GB News paycheck.

  11. If only there was some way that he could hold them via a sort of online video link.

    Lazy twat.

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