Chat control leaked country positions

Chat control leaked country positions

by Bye_nao

  1. “Most EU countries already support chat control. A majority of countries also agree with the new proposal.”

    “Ten states even stressed that “the current proposal has reached the limit of their willingness to compromise.” These include Spain, Romania and Greece. Ireland is “not happy about the removal of new material and grooming, but can support this in the spirit of finding a compromise.””

    “Six states “declared that they could not agree to the proposal due to fundamental concerns.”

    “Last year, the federal government made a series of demands without which Germany cannot agree to the law. These include protecting encryption and rejecting client-side scanning. Only in June did the Interior Ministry clarify : “Encrypted private communications of millions of people must not be monitored without cause.”

    “Austria also declared that it “cannot agree”.”

    “Four states with 35 percent of the EU population can form a blocking minority. However, the six critical states together only have just under 30 percent of the population. So there are still no populous states.”

    “France was first in favor of chat control, then against it . France had a new parliament two months ago and a new prime minister two weeks ago, who still has to form a government. It is not yet known what position the new government will take on chat control.”

    “The Netherlands describes the new proposal as “encouraging”.”

    “Belgium is still examining the proposal, especially “with regard to proportionality”.”

    “The Czech Republic also points to “a very controversial debate on the subject”.”

    “If either France or Italy – or two states from the Netherlands, Belgium and the Czech Republic – reject the new proposal, there will still be no majority in the Council.”

    “the Justice and Home Affairs advisers are to negotiate the Hungarian proposal on Monday . If Hungary goes ahead, the Permanent Representatives and the Justice and Home Affairs Ministers will then decide on the Council’s position on October 10. France and Sweden are “expressly” in favor of this.”

    Note: Excerpts are auto translated, correct me if any are wrong.

    Article was written by Andre Meister, and includes the description of discussions.


  2. this image is terrible. I have no idea what it is saying. Is my country in favour of stopping ChatControl .. holy hell… whoever created this has to go back to the drawing board.

  3. Portugal undecided? 1 year ago they were on course to approve a constitucional ammendment to provide police with massive survailence powers, this is very little in comparison. As for Germany it is understandable, the right to privacy is the 1st right of the German Constitution, they cant accept this its against their fundamental law.

  4. The site suggests to “contact your local government” about it. I laughed my fucking ass off when I read that.

    Is there really something us as individuals can do about this?

  5. It will quite likely mean Apple iMessage will close services in the EU, as will Signal and several others. It will end interoperability with other jurisdictions like the US, as it means that traffic into Europe can’t be assumed to be secure.

    You’ll likely end up being forced to use RCS that goes through your mobile operator, the way this is going and in reality it won’t have any impact on the material they’re trying to stop as that will just inevitably go though some far more obscure routes. All you’ll end up doing is scanning billions of rather boring private messages, while further copper fastening the EU’s growing image as somewhere that’s hostile to tech.

    Honestly don’t see myself voting for any further EU treaties that come up for referendum if this is the direction of travel.
    I’m also definitely not voting for the current Irish government parties. This stuff is huge overreach. It’s probably unworkable and it’s wide open to being abused by various actors.

    Just seems like rather basic and fundamental rights are being thrown away.

  6. So france and spain are in favor of stopping chat control!
    So they are for getting rid of chat control!.
    So they are against chat control.


    Could you please stop not being unclear?

  7. Austria, Germany and Poland… I’ve seen that before. Fuck Chat Control. How this is even being discussed is horrible.

  8. chat control has in controlling people’s chats and personal and like sensative details about people?
    where’s the privacy in that?

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