There are numerous political issues in America.

There are numerous political issues in America.

Posted by qrtoon

  1. Right now, I’m focused on what is happening INSIDE the U.S and which candidate is best to keep us afloat.

    The choice is OBVIOUS.

    Anything outside the U.S we can talk about AFTER the election.

    If you decide to sit this election out because of ONE issue and you think that ONE issue is the only thing that matters (despite not directly affecting your life)….well, you do NOT get to bitch afterwards.

  2. “We shouldn’t care about Germany massacring her people, because we are dealing with coming out of a depression”

  3. My problem isnt so much that they’ve hitched their wagons fully to Palestine, anti-Israel, Middle East peace etc… have your beliefs. But my problem is they have no domestic plan or strategy if trump is elected and places two more scotus justices that will completely laminate all progressive policies for the next 5 decades

  4. If Palestine is an important issue to you, that’s great! We need people expressing their distaste with the status quo of military support and aid in a genocide.

    If that’s the single issue you’re focused on and you refuse to vote for one of the two candidates who can actually win, then I’m sure all the dead Palestinians will understand and appreciate your brave stance /s.

    If you’re really upset about genocide, how about the fact that one of the candidates chose to withhold the federal response to covid-19 because they thought it would hit big cities where more people vote Dem harder. And when those cities took responsibility into their own hands that administration intercepted PPE shipments, stole them, and bid them off to red counties. But I guess for some people, helping them win is in the best interest of Palestinians?

  5. I’m not disagreeing and will vote for who we must, that said- Hitler had some good domestic policy ideas too, and yet, we remember the genocide.

  6. I’m very pro-Palestine and anti-genocide, but I am concerned by the conspicuous lack of alarm over [Trump’s plan to deport tens of millions of people]( from the US and [the RNC and his voters cheering him on]( Deporting millions of people, many of whom are families with their entire lives here and have nowhere to go.

    This seems very, very bad to me, and I feel like I’m taking crazy people listening to the crickets surrounding this issue. To be clear, both from liberals and the left, although I hold the left to a higher standard when it comes to opposing horrific human rights abuses.

    On top of this, look at the whole Springfield / Haitians situation. Trump’s campaign has spent the past week or two spreading vile defamatory lies about a very specific group of immigrants in a very specific place, doing everything it can to incite a pogrom there – followed by bomb threats in Springfield’s schools and right-wing paramilitary groups marching in Springfield’s streets – and he’s making statements about how when he gets in office he’ll deport the LEGAL Haitian immigrants in Springfield from the country. The beginning of the 15-20 million, I reckon, and what a nightmare that would be if we allow them to get in a position to make that happen.

  7. Thank goodness our candidates care so little about any of these issues that they’d risk the election rather than stop killing innocent people for a month. We’ll learn if they’re right to gamble so much on the selfishness of Americans, but I can see why they’re taking this bet.

  8. Remember when President FDR got a first-hand briefing on the Nazi Holocaust in the middle of 1943, but he didn’t give a fuck? And first-hand accounts of the Nazi Holocaust were published in the US in 1943 called “The Mass Extermination of Jews in German Occupied Poland” and nobody gave a fuck? That’s where we are today.

    Just remember, next time someone whines about the Holocaust or tries to use it in a political argument, it’s just for show, as there will always be more important matters than genocide.

  9. “Ban bigotry, not books”. That’s hilarious. Anyone that’s actually looked into any of that and is sensible would say “sorry, these books are inappropriate for children”. Also, saying they’re “bans” is misleading because they’re simply not having them in school, but anyone can still buy/ rent one online or from libraries.

  10. This could be filed under Unpopular Opinion, The United States of America keeps its citizens distracted from what’s happening in the world beyond our borders. Both parties like their constituents dumb and compliant. Few voters know the real issues. Rich Donors convince Congress to push the narrative their increased wealth will benefit the worker. We continue to be lied to by Congress and the President. Every once in a while the citizens get a cookie to make them feel like they are being heard. The Legislative,The Judiciary and the Executive Branches are taking care of themselves. Recently we have heard Rich Donor gift costly vacations and pay the outstanding bills of Supreme Court justices. Under Trump, Secretary of State Pompeo held Dinners at taxpayer expense for wealthy donors, conservative SCOTUS, Republican Congressional members.
    This government is no longer for the people by the people.

  11. The lady liberty we have never picks up the Palestinians sign. Just says ” I don’t know her” while waving at Israel and passing notes back and forth.

  12. Idk, active and full-throated support for a genocide sounds like a perfectly fine dealbreaker issue to me.

  13. “You should care about the things I care about, instead of the things you care about.” Will never be effective political messaging.

    You are dismissing and insulting the people whose opinions you are trying to change.

  14. There is an genocide ongoing today.

    The Dems, who are in power today, are actively supplying weapons to commit this genocide.

    If you can’t even get them to stop facilitating genocide what makes you think that if they get in power again they will keep and of their other promises.

  15. These comments: SO YOU THINK TRUMP WOULD BE BETTER?!?!?

    Voters: So I should vote for the person that would do the same thing at Trump to avoid Trump…?

  16. The whole pro Palestine/gaza thing is suspect. 99% of them had no idea where the Gaza strip is on a map or about anything happening in the middle east prior to last October.

    The whole way of protesting is odd, burning flags,attacking random people,blocking traffic,damaging property etc.. I think the plan is to help get Trump elected.

  17. Who does the issue of Palestine have a better chance of improving under? Harris or Trump. Trumps policies LED to this outcome.

    I’d understand sitting this out IF we somehow got a better outcome on this issue, but you don’t even get that.

    This issue DOES deserve attention, but not at the expense of everything else.

  18. Is this cartoon implying that human beings are somehow only capable of understanding/empathizing with/standing up for one issue at a time? Lmao cuz that’s stupid as fuck, the human brain is capable of balancing hundreds of thoughts and opinions at a single time.

    It’s relatively easy to care about matters inside the US AND a state funded genocide in another country at the same time, especially considering our tax payer dollars are funding that genocide.. so being outspoken about Palestine is still caring about the interests of America lol

    Typical of America to be narcissistic and not give a shit about any country other than themselves

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