This is what “Russians at war” really means.

This is what “Russians at war” really means.

by UNITED24Media

  1. Zurich Film Festival plans to show a “documentary” filmed by Russian propaganda veteran Anastasia Trofimova. “Russians at War” contains interviews with Russian soldiers fighting against Ukraine. The movie was shot illegally in the occupied territories. It aims to whitewash Russian crimes and portray those who are conducting the biggest war in Europe since World War II as “ordinary people.”
    But this is what “Russians at war” really means. They kill, rape, destroy. There should be no stage and no platform for Russian propaganda to have a voice.

  2. Russia knows how to start a war. Now they will learn what it means to lose a war. With all consequences. Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦

  3. I am a critic. Any photo-video montague for “Russians at war” is incomplete without “meat cube”. Russians wrote a new chapter in the history book of humans in clearing-the-dead-from-the-battlefield chapter.

  4. Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) withdrew the film after criticism by thousands of Canadians, but then re-introduced it a few days later, once the story passed from the news. I don’t know if the TIFF organizers are living under a rock or just cynically hiding under the freedom of expression excuse to keep offering this atrocity of a propaganda piece to Canadians. In either case, the organizers, as well as the so-called “documentary filmmaker” deserve to be called out. At the very least TIFF, knowing the political hot potato it was about to unleash on the public, should’ve displayed some political savvy and also screened at least one film showing the true brutality of the Russian military, such as “20 days in Mariupol”. I just checked and it’s not there. Nothing is there to depict the Ukrainian viewpoint. They do have “From Ground Zero” depicting life in the Gaza Strip from the perspectives of Palestinians. Nothing from the Israeli perspective. Jewish Canadians should be equally concerned at the lack of balance displayed by TIFF’s so called “judges”.

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