Destroyed Russian tanks by the Ukrainian military in Kursk region, Russia

Destroyed Russian tanks by the Ukrainian military in Kursk region, Russia

by JagerReich

  1. Wow, tanks on transports with combat loads that cooked off. It takes a lot to make those trailer beams buckle like that.

  2. They are brand new t-90 with modular armor on the hull. It’s the first time I see them outside of a promotional video.

  3. I doubt there is a tank transporter for every Russian tank so these losses must be particularly bad.

  4. I don’t think anyone believed that an invading force into Russia would last even a day, especially from a smaller, lesser equipped military like Ukraines…even after the war started.

    i mean, no offense Ukranians, but if Ukraine shared a border with the U.S., I don’t think such an incursion would last an hour.

  5. Immediately I was like “ain’t those T90 tanks?” .. Geez, putler. Losing those new tanks must hurt.

  6. Whether they were being transported to the front line or being taken away for repair, they aren’t going back into the fight EVER.

  7. Those tanks were destroyed by the russian ka-52 at the beginning of the Kursk invasion. There is even a video of this event.

  8. Still on the truck. Double KO. Now that’s some excellent recon and strategy right there. *chefs kiss*

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