Ukrainian sniper stalks Russians at night

Ukrainian sniper stalks Russians at night

by Theoperatorboi

  1. What`s the distance, 900 yards?

    Correction: My distance is totally false. But someone should know it.

  2. These guys aren’t even sprawling for cover… i feel bad lots of lies from Russia and a lot of young ignorant men being sent to die with no training. I understand your fight for freedom, just wish Putin wouldn’t sacrifice young men for his ego!

  3. I’m confused. Im assuming that is an edited overlay? Last i checked sniper scopes didn’t come with clocks and a mic 😂 unless you’re intending to yell obscenities about your target’s mother like a COD lobby.

    But there’s first person recoil. Is this a drone/remote operated rifle?

  4. I thought I was scrolling through some type of zombie shooting video/game.

    Then looked at the name of the sub. I wasn’t far from it

  5. Very grateful for the footage, but good lord why is the audio always so tasteless? Did we really need the stock TikTok background music?

  6. pro tip: when on the receiving end of effective sniper fire, don’t stand up and fully expose your silhouette over a ridge.

  7. At 1:00 into the video, a three-second counter appears in the bottom data row (next to the microphone icon and zoom level), and a shot is taken when it hits zero. What is that?

  8. Didn’t read the title, thought they were photographing Big Foot. Saw the crosshairs and then read the title.

    Slava Ukraine!

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