Changing the Offside Rule is a must change for 2025

I think the current Offside Rule is outdated, boring and simply dangerous for football with VAR.

Players are so good at Tactical Fouls and Offside Traps, that it stops counter attacks way too good. It also steals alot of Goals because of VAR drawing lines because ur toe or finger is offside.

The Netherlands have even tried to get rid of Offside completely in their Amateur Football:

I'm against removing Offside completely because this create Chaos, I think Arsene Wengers Offside Proposal is the way to go. Yes it promoted attacking players, but I rather see attacking play then people using Offside Traps. What's ur opinion?

by heidenreich137

  1. The offside rule has changed multiple times in the last 10-15 years alone. People are never happy with it and never will be happy with it

  2. LEAVE FOOTBALL ALONE FFS every time one of you geniuses try to “fix” the game you do it with duct tape and super glue

    To understand why this is stupid understand what the rule was brought in for striker stand on opposition boxes ball being hoofed up the pitch to them

  3. I don’t see any problem with the offside rule, didn’t the pl goals last season break the record, and you want more goals, that’d be messy??

  4. The reason there are more goals is because of the offside rule as it is. If the benefit is given to the striker then we won’t see teams with high lines, meaning less risk and boring games.

    If you want everyone to sit deep or in a low/mid block give the benefit to the striker.

    If you want to see high lines and teams taking risks . Keep it as is.

  5. even with wengers rule, there is always gonna be a line somewhere where people can get called off by mere millimeters, the rule is fair and works fine as it is. While VAR has created seemingly harsh offside decisions there’s really no way to avoid them

  6. In no way would that rule change promote attacking play. It’s promote teams sitting deep and giving no space for anyone to run behind. Any team who did okay high the other team will just launch it long to hope to win a foot race. Football would be so much more boring

  7. Absolutely not, the wenger offside rule just forces teams to sit deeper to stop counter attacks which would be significantly worse than what we already have

  8. The problem is, when you change the offside rule, goals are still going to be ruled out by a misplaced toe.

  9. Arsene Wengers proposal does jack shit. It just moves the line up a few inches. It will be the same tactical fouls, the same VAR decisions and so on.

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