President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, arrived in Kyiv to discuss Ukraine’s energy needs in preparation for the upcoming winter.

President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, arrived in Kyiv to discuss Ukraine’s energy needs in preparation for the upcoming winter.

by UNITED24Media

  1. đź’¬”This is my 8th visit to Kyiv as the heating season approaches, and Russia continues targeting energy infrastructure.

    We will support Ukraine in its courageous efforts.

    I am here to discuss Europe’s assistance—from winter preparedness to defense, to accession and progress on the G7 loans,” *she noted.*

  2. Yes! Get in front of this problem and help them now before it becomes a disaster. Project stay warm Ukraine keep the lights on!

  3. I always wondered how the security detail of EU officials is procured 🤔 is it Belgian police? Or from the member state of the respective official? Private company?

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