Russland will einen Babyboom, aber einige Frauen weigern sich, Mutter für das Vaterland zu werden

Russland will einen Babyboom, aber einige Frauen weigern sich, Mutter für das Vaterland zu werden

  1. Really isnt surprising, who would want to give birth to a son which they’ll raise and love, only to be send to the lines at a young age and be KIA, then rather not give birth at all.

  2. Russian women have been avoiding men like the plague for decades. Heavy drinking is nearly universal, and DV, SA and murder of women is commonplace. It’s not a surprise that they don’t want to get entangled with them for children at all.

  3. A russian lebensborn program in the making🤦‍♂️

    More similarities to the third Reich appearing more and more…

  4. All Russian women I know, including my wife, are utterly disgusted by Russian men. 🤷🏼‍♂️

    Given the Russian men I know, I can see why. The only decent ones are LGBTQ+ which we all know is super fun in putinstan.

  5. Can’t help but envisage a caricature of Putin pushing a soldier’s leg into a meat-grinder while enthusiastically shouting “More meat!”

  6. The west should be smart about this and open up refugee programs for russian women only, get the country deserted faster

  7. Can you blame them‽ Why should they have more kids for the _”motherland”_, when the state is using their sons as cannon fodder, putting them in the meat grinder‽

  8. I mean they are essentially treating young men as a crop. “Grow this for us and we’ll come to harvest when they’re ready.”

  9. Don’t typically baby booms happen mostly in times of peace and prosperity..? (or 24+ hr blackouts)

    Putin can go for peace and get economic prosperity by all the bans being lifted to create this baby boom, just saying.

  10. This photo reminded me of families here in the Middle East who keep having children till they have a boy. Eight or nine girls and a boy who they spoil, and the whole family worships him, especially the mom.

  11. Yet the Georgia guidestones say that they want to cut the population down to 2 billion, billy gates has openly discussed this on videos and Elon Musk says we need more babies that’s why he has ten. Good luck with finding the truth

  12. If my country could match my salary, give me the same pension and benefits I have now, protect me from the self absorbed men they’ve cranked out AND gave me 20k per child I’d GLADLY be the next Michelle Duggar.

    However considering I already fled a shitty marriage and was told it was my fault and to “choose better” I chose myself, a job, and keep it pretty comfortable for me and my kids. 

    The manosphere claims I’m used goods anyway so I’m not loss to the cause anyway. Find you a 22 year old debt free virgin to share your Mamas couch with gentlemen. This 30s single mama has her own house. 

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