Kamala Harris admits she would shoot an intruder who entered her home

Kamala Harris admits she would shoot an intruder who entered her home


Posted by SubstantialSnow7114

  1. Watch Republicans have no idea how to handle this news. They’re all so brainwashed they believe all Democrats are trying to take away guns and that no Democrats own guns. I’ve been saying for years that a Democrat who comes out as pro-2A will absolutely wipe the floor with their Republican counterparts. Too many single issue voters will gladly destroy our country as long as they *feel* like they’re protecting their 2A rights. Real shame the last Republican POTUS was anti-2A and abused his EOs to attack gun rights whole Republicans cheered him on (that former POTUS is now a convicted felon and cannot own firearms).

  2. Yes, even gun-hating liberals think it’s ok to shoot home invaders….cuz yeah everyone does. No one thinks you should let them murder your family

  3. I have never heard anyone say they are coming for your hand gun or shot gun. But no one needs military grade assault weapons for personal protection or hunting.

  4. This is what stand your ground should be for! If someone attacks you and you are in your home or similar space, it is DEFENSE and PRESERVATION. Not to assassinate someone who is walking by/sitting in a car, etc. and is of no DIRECT threat to you or your family/loved ones.

  5. If they ignore the sign stating there’s an armed pitbull with rabies on patrol, then I’m assuming they want to get shot

  6. I’m a Democrat and if someone broke in to my house I would shoot them as well. They may get a warning but that’s it!! I hope Harris stays safe and defends herself! 

  7. I feel this.
    I have had the unfortunate chance to find out what I would actually do vs what I say I would do.
    You don’t want to, but it’s your home and the instinct – at least for me – was to defend.
    It is insane that this is news though.

  8. Who wouldnt? What should you ask intruder what his intensions are? Shoot first, shoot later, than shoot some more. And than ask questions…

  9. But… I was told that as a Democrat I prefer to stand by helplessly while my family is raped and murdered and that only MAGA hat alpha males were capable of protecting their loved ones. This really makes the hand gun in my bedroom seem more practical.

  10. She acted like this was a “slip up,” but it seemed entirely tactical to me, way to control the media narrative

  11. I think it’s funny that the Republicans have sold this idea that conservatives all own tons of firepower and leftists are stockpiling daisies.

    If these republican idiots ever get froggy and wanna jump at a civil war part two, all that non-book readin’ is gonna bite them in the ass when they get a big refresher history lesson on what happened the first time.

    How’s the saying go: “don’t let your idiot politicians let their mouths write a check that your conservative asses can’t cash.” 🤫

  12. “admits” lmao. As if someone couldn’t both support defending their home and having stricter gun regulations

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