Thought I found a £20 note while walking the dog but it seems Eddie & Richie are printing again. they put some guy on this one. Skullcrusher is not going to be amused

Thought I found a £20 note while walking the dog but it seems Eddie & Richie are printing again. they put some guy on this one. Skullcrusher is not going to be amused

by drempire

  1. This is only a £20 note, Eddie and Richie were the pros that printed £27 notes. Whoever printed this is just some pretender.

  2. ‘Eddie, the Queen doesn’t have ‘jugs’ and if she did, she wouldn’t get them out on the back of a fiver, she’d save them for the fifty.’

    “If you look at my fifty, you might find it a tad more risque”

  3. I’m still disappointed we didn’t create an animatronic copy of the Queen and just told everyone that she was an immortal vampiric ritualist and we sustain her off vegan virgin blood.

  4. Eddie, that’s tantamount to treason! How will you pass off these pornographic doodles as real money? Especially when you see what the Duke of Edinburgh is up to.

    Who’s that with him? – Meryl Streep.

    Hang on.

    She’s got three knockers.

    No, that’s Bobby Charlton in the middle.

  5. I thought you were referencing his dodgy eye, why have I never noticed that before? 

    “One eye’s in Mexborough the others all over the shop”

  6. “This is the wrong shape!”

    “That’s Welsh money.”

    “There isn’t any Welsh money!”

    “No wonder they all vote Labour.”

  7. I haven’t used cash in a very long time, this is genuinely the first time I’ve seen a new note

    Why is George bush on it?

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