Russians form a mechanized battalion from the crew of the Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier

Russians form a mechanized battalion from the crew of the Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier

by Mil_in_ua

  1. Insane, and on facebook, we receive 20 times a day post : Why tyhis carrier is the best in the world?


  2. Unbelievable. If people made a movie about this war, people would consider it too unrealistic and put it in the comedy genre.

  3. The ship is damaged in port and the crew is being sent to the zero line. That’s a TKO. Scratch one carrier. Crazy that the ship isn’t even in theater but its crew is still dying in Ukraine.

  4. I wonder how they will mechanize them.

    Maybe they will put tracks on the ship and ride her into battle.

    Still, probably more golf cart fodder.

  5. This is like the last weeks of Nazi Germany… Luftwaffe ground crews sent into combat because there were no planes left….

  6. Pooling resources. One man can be in the navy, the army and the air force, all at the same time. It’ll boost the numbers for sure.

  7. I imagine they are thinking the same thing as that poor sod down in the tank at the end of Waterworld: “Oh, thank god…!”

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