The last thing they want is a better world for everyone

The last thing they want is a better world for everyone

Posted by speculumberjack980

  1. Remember folks – the essence of conservatism is the preservation of hierarchies.

    They will tell you conservatism is about freedom. They are lying.

  2. A better world implies something has changed. Conservatives want things to stay the way they are or go back to how they were.

  3. I’m convinced that there are not political parties in the United States; There’s a group of people who want to improve things for everyone, there’s a small group of wealthy assholes who want things to be how they were 50 years ago, and then there’s a group of people who have dreams of someday joining the second group.

  4. Conservatives are miserable people who try to make everyone else as miserable or more miserable than they are

  5. Literally. Conservativism is built around keeping the status quo, bc the status quo works for certain people and their circles…

  6. The ultra conservative base is driven by fear of the other. It’s literally that simple. The mantra is “what I don’t immediately understand is bad.” Edit: I’m not defending the left fringe, they are nearly as cracked as the far right and living in a similarly imaginary world.

  7. As wild as this seems. It sure seems right.

    Why are conservatives fighting everything?

    If they want to go back to the Dark Ages, Great! Go for it!

    Just go! Leave the rest of us alone!

  8. Trump is no Conservative.  Trump’s only principal is the art of the grift. Even in the most powerful office, all he viewed it as was just another grift.

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