Looks Like Laura Loomer Might Be Getting the Boot From Trump World…All Because of Kellyanne Conway

Looks Like Laura Loomer Might Be Getting the Boot From Trump World…All Because of Kellyanne Conway


Posted by nikkisixxi

  1. On what information is this headline based?

    Like, I *want* this to be true, Loomer is sub-human filth, but nothing presented here even vaguely resembles evidence or really even information…

    PoliticalFlare is such a garbage website.

  2. Has Conway been rehired as Trump’s spokescobra? I suppose spreading revenge porn of your own underage daughter is a forgivable transgression in MAGA world.

  3. Why do they keep using this photoshopped picture from LiamNissan? I get he’s hilariously proportioned, hunched, and lumpy from a lifetime of being sedentary but the original is already gross enough.

    This makes him look like the Mondoshawans from The Fifth Element.

  4. She’s getting kicked out because she started talking publicly about the affair

    All those “best blow job” brags have come back to haunt her because even the most die hard Magats aren’t gonna be thrilled ol donny is stepping out on his wife

    Especially the rapidly dwindling female republican base.

  5. I hope they keep her and JD…they’ve been great honestly. Hard to imagine making a diaper dumpster fire look less appealing, but they are putting in the good work.

  6. Miss Jigsaw hopefully pushed Melania to finally divorce the moron and take most of his wealth..That be sweet.

  7. Please don’t boot her, Trump she is absolutely amazing for your campaign, and you will win 100% if she stays on!

  8. Holy shit, I’ve seen bad pictures of Trump before but that one on the right makes him look like a literal slug. Like what in the fuck?

  9. They’ll just keep it private till after the election and then if he’s elected, it’ll be full-blown with her in the White House

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