French ARTE Channel Refuses to Screen Russian Propaganda Film “Russians at War”

French ARTE Channel Refuses to Screen Russian Propaganda Film “Russians at War”

by UNITED24Media

  1. “Russian propaganda film” Hehe, OK…

    Look, I get it that – according to Western governments and their Ukrainian proxies – we’re supposed to hate everything related to Russia and Russians without a second thought or doubt, but how many of you, who are calling this documentary “white washing war crimes and propaganda,” have actually seen it, or other works of Trofimova in the past?

    The truth of the matter is that, just like her other documentaries I’ve seen, – such as *Victims of ISIS* and *Iraqi Safe House* – “Russians at war” is an anti-war piece of journalism, approaching the conflict from a human perspective, exploring the thoughts and feelings of soldiers and highlighting their ‘ordinary nature’ in the process.
    The most comparable film – not a documentary, but close enough – I can think of is “All quiet on the Western front,” with its similar down to Earth perspective and generally anti-war feel.

    I understand why this could be a sensitive topic for Ukrainian civilians, but I’m also 99% sure that they either wouldn’t even have access to it, or have more important matters at hand, so it’s pretty obvious that the Ukrainian government is trying to restrict this documentary because it portrays both sides as human, which obviously goes against their dehumanisation campaign aimed at Russians.

    Same thing when they cried out loud because an artist portrayed a Russian and Ukrainian soldier hugging each other, showing their humanity.

  2. You mean the French-Canadian docu-film? It’s not Russian, and it’s not propaganda. The problem is it’s about facts that conflict with the Western narrative “good guys vs bad guys”.

  3. Russians are still humans. I don’t see a problem with them getting a chance to expose their perspective on things. Watching a film doesn’t make someone agree or supports the ideas that it communicates.

  4. Why? It’s not propaganda and doesn’t portray Russians in a good way. It’s banned in Russia and the filmmaker won’t be able to go back there

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