How AMLO Destroyed Mexican Democracy before Formally Stepping Down

How AMLO Destroyed Mexican Democracy before Formally Stepping Down

How AMLO Destroyed Mexican Democracy

Posted by Alarmed_Mistake_9999

  1. Submission Statement: This article is sadly behind a paywall but I will summarize for you. Essentially, the writer has made a damning accusation of AMLO deliberately destroying the democratic institutions that Mexican leaders built in the 1990s after a currency crisis destroyed the ruling PRI’s credibility.

    The author also warns that Sheinbaum will have trouble implementing any positive elements of her agenda because of the incompetence he claims will dominate most of Mexico’s agencies. Furthermore, he claims that AMLO will still be ruling as a puppet master from behind the curtain.

    Commentary: There is no doubt that elite Mexican institutions, even before AMLO, were corrupt. This gave rise to beliefs among the Mexican public that they had nothing to lose by electing a populist like AMLO and that elite claims of the end of democracy are just a charade for bemoaning the loss of their own (elite) power.

    AMLO certainly sees himself as a Mexican Messiah, where only he can save the nation from her traitorous elite. We definitely have a case of Trumpism south of the border.

    It will be interesting to see the comments section here.

  2. PRI destroyed democracy in Mexico decades ahold during their close to a century of one party rule. There is a good reason Mexico is one of the most corrupt countries in the world. It is cultural at this point.

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