A young Ukrainian soldier returns home after 2 years in the enemy’s captivity: doesn’t talk, doesn’t recognise his his Mum, doesn’t respond to anything 💔 but he’s home. 🇺🇦

A young Ukrainian soldier returns home after 2 years in the enemy’s captivity: doesn’t talk, doesn’t recognise his his Mum, doesn’t respond to anything 💔 but he’s home. 🇺🇦

by ibloodylovecider

  1. He went through HELL!! This is what RUZZZZZZZIA does to Ukrainian Pow’s!!! Ruzzzzzia is a TERRORIST STATE!!!

  2. 21st century and there are stillnbarbarians loose in Europe. Russia is such a disgusting stain on the planet

  3. Bloody heartbreaking, the look he gives. I hope he heals, he’s going to need a lot of support. Fuck Russia. They will pay a heavy price for the war crimes they have committed, one day Ukraine will be free and that day can’t come soon enough.

  4. My first reaction is anger that russian pows are not also sent home brutally tortured in revenge… but it is better how things are done in reality. This war must be one of the cleanest in history, in terms of one side taking the moral high ground despite the other’s savagery. There will not be endless whataboutism in the future about who tortured and raped and terrorised more than the other.

  5. His eyes, pwwwwwh! Good men and women shouldn’t have to go through this!?!? More weapons and permission now!!!

  6. How are we still letting this happen? Ruzzia keeps violating every rule in the Geneva Convention, has no fucking honor, and is just a useless piece of shit country that doesn’t deserve to exist, let alone breathe.

    Look how Ukraine has treated all of the P.O.W.s, so well, that most don’t even want to go back!

    Fuck Putin!

  7. Bastards… Hopefully over time he will recover at least something of he once was.

    We really need to let Ukraine fully loose with weapons.

  8. Who knows what he experienced?
    I hope that he will soon be able to hear and speak.
    No one can imagine what his mother suffered while her boy was in captivity.

  9. As a mother I can’t…

    I curse ruxzia and every single one of those vyrodki. May each one get exactly what they deserve.

  10. The Ruzzian’s were castrating some of the prisoners and telling them “so you won’t breed”.

    And the UN said “we saw no evidence of genocide”.

  11. u/ibloodylovecider

    I am part of a private Aid group operating in Ukraine , that is made up of combat veterans & retired NGO management from around the world,so unfortunately many of us have seen this effect from torture first hand . We have supported a Ukrainian group Media Initiative for Human Rights, known more widely as MIPL,they did an excellent article & videos with Yuriy Gulchuks mother in the days before his unexpected release ,it is pretty solemn reading,but you may find it of interest .

    One of the main focuses of the MIPL is the ” Investigation of war crimes committed in connection with Russian aggression in Ukraine. In particular, enforced disappearances, deportations of children and their taking as hostages, improper detention & torture of prisoners of war ” .

    I will place a link below to the article ,it is in Ukrainian so run it through an article translator if needed,but worth a read IMO.

    I did 6 combat deployments, including spending time embedded with the Afghan National Army Commando Corps & Iraqi Special Operations Forces (ISOF) & then did a few years contracting to various countries Govt agencies & NGO’s around the world’s conflict & disaster zones & so have seen the results of barbaric torture practices first hand.

    Likewise, I have warned, (after witnessing orc torture/war crimes in Syria), from the very start of the invasion & posted before on speaking to & witnessing the effect of the orc torture practices in Ukraine & the weird torture/rape practices of the orcs against the civilians we have spoken to, provided aid in regions that have just been liberated .

    IMO young Yuriy is exhibiting something we would often see during hostage/prisoner rescue operations with the Afghan National Army Commando Corps & Iraqi Special Operations Forces (ISOF). This looks like what we would see from the effect of prolonged electrocution/shock torture,the scumbags do not just use a stun gun ,they use mains power ran through a variable volt system & will literally shock the victim until they start to smoke .

    This form of electric torture not only damages them mentally ,but causes severe brain & nerve damage,(loss of speech is common),often as well as the visible damage seen in the video the nerve damage in their spines & legs etc means they have limited mobility & use of their limbs. The best way to describe it is many can only walk like a puppet, loosely held up on the strings ,so their body is not only hunched but sort of crumpled in on itself & they move in a very ‘robotic’ fashion.

    In Iraq, it was common to see older people like this that had been tortured by Saddam’s goons & they were called ‘Bed People’ as the torturers would strip out a wire bed frame & connect it to mains power & the victim was shackled naked too it & they would electrocute them through the bed frame until they smoked.

    People from around the world will have to come together to provide the wide-ranging care & therapy the victims of this invasion in Ukraine will need for decades to come,no one countries health system will be able to cope with the demand .

    Our group is ran by former military leadership upto a Brigadier General & our universal disgust at how the supposed allies & world leaders have handled this clusterfuck knows no bounds & history will not look back well at it.

    A link to the MIPL article with his mother.


  12. If he’s like that now, he experienced horrendous torture. Even if Ukraine gives up, you bet there will be plenty of soldiers or pro-Ukraine sympathizers who will have the same fate. Russia is scum for acting like this, and they wonder why people join other alliances…

  13. Brain injury from beating, raping & tortured. This poor young man Zussian are terrorists!

  14. Unless they said he doesn’t recognize his mother, I’m not sure that’s an accurate description. He’s clearly traumatized and has a mix of emotions which makes sense for the lack of response.

  15. That is fucking heartbreaking. Jesus, the shellshock in that young man’s face makes me want to go and hug my kids. My heart goes out to him, his family, and his friends. Hopefully he gets the help he’s going to need…and he is going to need help. PTSD like that is a hell of a thing. But at least he’s home. I hope that brings him some peace, if nothing else.

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