Climate change could double U.S. temperature-linked deaths by mid-century | Currently, an estimated 8,000-plus deaths in the United States every year are associated with extreme temperatures, both hot and cold. Within the next few decades, that number could double or even triple, largely due to heat

Climate change could double U.S. temperature-linked deaths by mid-century | Currently, an estimated 8,000-plus deaths in the United States every year are associated with extreme temperatures, both hot and cold. Within the next few decades, that number could double or even triple, largely due to heat

Climate change could double U.S. temperature-linked deaths by mid-century

by Science_News

  1. >With help from previously developed projections of what temperatures and population sizes will be like decades from now, the team then estimated the number of deaths associated with extreme temperature in the middle of the 21st century for each hypothetical future.

    >By 2036 to 2065, the annual number of deaths could double in a future with a lower increase in emissions, or triple in one with a higher increase in emissions, the team found.

    [Read more here]( and [the study here. ](

  2. So, 16000 deaths annually, related to climate change by 2050? In my understanding, 0.2% of deaths in US are due to extreme temperatures, and it will become something like 0.4% in 2050 (assuming constant amount of deaths)

    Looking at the numbers from this perspective, is the news genuinely still as concerning?

  3. > Within the next few decades, that number could double

    Few? Decades? I give it 5 years max.

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