Do I turn the mystery valve?

The door has fallen off this roadside cabinet revealing a mystery valve. Shall I turn it? Will I die?

by bodlang

  1. If nobody is on fire and nothing has exploded or there hasn’t been a huge flood then I’m guessing that this valve is better left shut.

  2. Make the choice, adventurous stranger
    Turn the valve and bide the danger
    Or wonder, till it drives you mad,
    what would have followed if you had.

  3. They turned it, they shrunk to the size of a flea. Now they can’t reply, or reach the valve. Ha. The fleaver strikes again.

  4. If my drivesafe effing lesson I paid £95 for last week taught me anything , it’s that Amber means something that’s not Red or Green

    Something about proceeding with caution ⚠️

    Personally, I would turn it but I’m really not to be trusted in such matters.

  5. so far, in this life of mine, I have come to learn that you regret more the things you didn’t do, than the things you did.

    “What if” hurts.

  6. “Some humans would do anything to see if it was possible to do it. If you put a large switch in some cave somewhere, with a sign on it saying ‘End-of-the-World Switch. PLEASE DO NOT TOUCH’, the paint wouldn’t even have time to dry.”
    Terry Pratchett, Thief of Time

  7. “If you put a large switch in some cave somewhere, with a sign on it saying ‘End-of-the-World Switch. DO NOT TOUCH,’ the paint wouldn’t even have time to dry.”

    GNU Terry Pratchett

  8. If Scooby Doo has taught me anything, that valve will reveal old man Jenkins secret lair in the abandoned spooky theme park.

  9. Sorry to tell you, OP, but the little plug above the valve is the end of the line for whatever that valve controls, be it gas or water. (Probably has as it’s yellow) That valve is there so that someone could shut off the supply before adding whatever it is they want to install, after the valve. Turn the valve, sure. It’s not going to do anything, cos the outlet is capped right there.

  10. Yellow is usually gas, but you’re going to have to turn the handle to be sure. We can’t have the council be miss labelling valves, so do your duty op

  11. It will be a gas test point. Probably for rhinology or something similar. Usually on low pressure main so same as your household gas pressure. Nothing will happen.

  12. Twist it and a random person will die! could very well be you DRAMATIC DUM DUM DUMMM

    * twists the valve and some random fisherman off the coast of Scotland falls dead into the sea *

  13. Better still, stand well back, preferably behind something solid and get the local idiot to turn the valve. If he or she needs encouragement offer a Mars bar.

  14. Yellow handle would indicate it’s probably natural gas or lpg, but the valve is also capped so it’s unlikely to make any difference what you do, but the valve is set to the off position.

  15. It’s a data logger on the LP gas network, turning the handle will not do anything but you are better off leaving it alone

  16. This is a gas pressure test point for the gas network. Normally a remote pressure logger would be installed here. You can report it as being open on 0800 111 999.

    Source: I’m a pressure control and storage technician for a gas distribution network.

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