Macron objects to Barnier appointing ‘anti-gay marriage’ senator as ‘families minister’

Macron objects to Barnier appointing ‘anti-gay marriage’ senator as ‘families minister’

by TheTelegraph

  1. Emmanuel Macron has reportedly objected to [France’s new prime minister, Michel Barnier](, appointing a senator who campaigned against same-sex marriage as “families minister” in his new cabinet.

    Mr Macron, 46, slapped down Mr Barnier’s proposal to offer the symbolic ministerial post to Laurence Garnier, a conservative senator from the Right-wing Republican party who recently approved regulations on children’s access to puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones.

    The leaked proposal sparked howls of protest from the French Left, which warned [the Barnier government]( was “[veering to the far-Right](”.

    Mr Barnier, 73, a Right-winger and the EU’s former chief Brexit negotiator, has been scrambling to form a new government after Mr Macron appointed him prime minister two weeks ago following weeks of political deadlock in the wake of snap elections in July that ended in a hung parliament.

    The first batch of names were leaked on Thursday evening, with the full 16-minister Cabinet due to be officially announced by Sunday at the latest.

    Mr Barnier proposed handing Bruno Retailleau,a Right-wing traditionalist senator, the powerful post of interior minister while Macron loyalists were offered seven other ministerial posts.

    On Friday, it emerged that he had proposed Ms Garnier – seen as close to Mr Retailleau – as families minister to succeed Sarah El Haïry, a centrist who was the first female minister to make public her homosexuality and her pregnancy resulting from medically assisted procreation.

    According to an aide, Mr Macron “alerted” the prime minister to Ms Garnier’s “delicate profile”, saying he was opposed to it.

    “The president does not want the new team to unravel his reforms. Garnier’s positions are the antithesis of what has been defended by previous [government] teams,” one unnamed ex-minister told BFMTV.

    Another aide close to the negotiations said: “In the final analysis, Michel Barnier is the arbiter: it’s his government. Constitutionally, it is not the president who directly rejects this or that case. He does not block. But he can sound the alarm.”

    Read more here: [](

  2. How are they suprised that a right-winger does right- wing politics? Liberals will give power to right-wingers and then be suprised when the chisel away others rights.

  3. Why do we pretend that they’re not neo-Nazi garbage? They share all the same viewpoints and revel in the Third Reich’s ideologies. If we start referring to them as the terrorists they are, we can then doing something about it.

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