Posted by Son0fSanf0rd

  1. So many Republicans seem to be self-loathing, hateful hypocrites. I don’t think it’s a coincidence.

  2. Damn, if Republicans weren’t so racist they have a perfect replacement for Trump right here.

    Another sad sack of shit who can’t string two sentences together without a violent outburst or inappropriate statement.

  3. Seems like he might have out-Trumped Trump, if that is possible.
    So sad for my state that he’s the R candidate and current Lt. Gov.

  4. Wait a sec? Why can’t you love Jesus and Hate the Jewish community? (I know the answer and the history,I am being sarcastic.)

  5. Like Trump – every accusation is an admission

    “Crooked Hillary” – convicted of financial fraud;
    “Biden Crime Family” – Kushner paid by saudis/New Trump crypto venture (in the middle of a presidential campaign no less)
    “Election rigged” – coordinating minions to prevent voting and accurate vote counting
    “Harris not very smart” – can’t string a logical concise policy speech together/imagines spectators at a debate that had none
    “We’re not weird” – very weird

  6. Someone get this guy on the presidential ticket to replace Trump! He is everything republicans want in a leader!

  7. Now you’d HOPE that the GOP would see this and think “This is terrible! How can we improve our vetting process so that we never field candidates like him again?”

    But the grim reality is the GOP are thinking: “He’s an outright Nazi, wannabe slave owner, hypocritically into everything we claim to hate, and his numbers are only *how* bad? Nice! Now, how can we lower voter scruples even further for the next election?”

  8. Standard Republican policy has gotten so bad that this guy being trans-chasing piss-fetishist is his one redeeming attribute. It’s the one thing that possibly can make him relatable, the “candidate you can have a beer with” (just be careful about what’s in the mug).

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