Is anyone else getting flooded with these adverts?

Is anyone else getting flooded with these adverts?

by BelfastTelegraph

  1. Darren sells you the world and delivers a bucket of shite. I think the fact that mr pinnacle of success is fucking out instagram ads, tells you that he’s not “making his dreams come true”

  2. This guy does my fucking head in. If I have to hear about him losing his fiance again with that weetabix haircut lol.

  3. It’s either this gimboid, or the ads for some magical crypto bot.

    By the way, these ads get posted here pretty frequently, and are deleted by the Reddit admins (not the mods) shortly after.

  4. I’ve made so much money I’m going to show you how to make so much money, buy my course because I’ve made so much money I need to share it.

    This cunt is just doing what other cunts have doing for an age online, but made it local and targeting 18- 25s. It seems to be working for him.

    Thank fuck I’m middle aged and believe nothing I see on Facebook.

  5. Build your brand…. And what, pray tell, does that mean? Does everyone have to have a brand now?

  6. Looking at his house from his address on companies house paints a different picture!

    Make sure to click on his adverts every time to cost him money, if he is out to scam people in deserves it.

  7. 2 years ago I was neckin Bucky and sniffin Charlie like it was goin outta fashion. Look at me now! A scammer!

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