The GOP doesn’t seem to get this…

Posted by SlimeDragon

  1. Yes, we pushed the weak aside. It’s what men do . The native Americans had a thousand years to prepare but were raping and killing and enslaving other native Americans for a 100,000 years lol and blacks first chance they got.

  2. and if you aren’t descended from an English line your ancestors were the Haitians of their time. Italians, Irish, Eastern Europeans were all shit on by nativists when they first came over in droves. Oddly enough, by assholes much like MAGA (know nothings and dixiecrats).

  3. Oh they get it. That’s why they are afraid mexicans are going to replace them like what they did to native americans

  4. I would like to add a “except the decedents of slaves.“ Immigration is moving to a country with the intention of settling there as a permanent resident. Slaves didn’t have a choice. They didn’t want to come here.

  5. Latino here!

    I want to say a few things…

    1) I was the FIRST person in my family born in the United States, something I was proud of. I was always proud of my Hispanic background and the fact my parents immigrated to this country in search for a better life for them and eventually me. I see myself EQUALLY Hispanic and American and I’m proud of my roots.

    2) For those Hispanics voting for Trump because you are “legal” and are not like “the bad, illegal immigrants” I have something to say to you….FUCK YOU!!

    And hopefully if you still speak Spanish and aren’t ashamed of your background….DESGRACIADOS!

    3) I implore all my fellow Hispanic brothers and sisters to remember the following….Trump and the GOP’s war on immigrants has NOTHING to do with legality!

    They HATE us because we are NOT white, because we are seen as “the others”, because we speak Spanish, because we have a different culture, because in their eyes we are not “American”.

    Please help us preserve democracy and rights for all in this country, VOTE BLUE!

  6. Technically they immigrated here on a land bridge from Asia but it was much earlier than anyone else .

  7. On one side, my grandparents were immigrants, on the other side, my earliest relatives got her in 1648. I am the descendant of immigrants.

  8. “Immigrant” is just a red herring. They don’t care when you got off the boat. They DO care what color your skin is.

  9. I’ve been trying to popularise the term “European American” for some time. I believe it could really help reframe how people think about exactly this.

  10. I always get the, “america didn’t have borders back then” argument. I usually don’t interact with them on anything more than what do you need at work

  11. And if you go far enough back (thousands and thousands of years) Native Americans are immigrants too lol

  12. It’s not that they were immigrants…..

    It’s the ones that aren’t white, that bother them….

    Remember Trump’s famous racist comment….

    “We need immigrants from countries like Finland, Norway and Sweden..not the A-hole countries”


  13. What if you realized conservatives don’t care if your an immigrant… 

     We just care you are not illegal and live a subservient slave class “under the table” that corporations will exploit fir cheap labor but not support them as an American…

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