Foreigner who clubbed man to death will not be deported to protect mental health

Foreigner who clubbed man to death will not be deported to protect mental health

by Careless_Main3

  1. >The Ugandan killer, who received a life sentence for the murder, won a legal battle against attempts to deport him by the Home Office on the basis that it would breach his human rights under **the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR).**

  2. If he has mental illness, he will just be a drain on our already fully strained mental health services, what is this weak way of dealing with murderers ?

  3. Don’t people usually serve their time in the country that convicted them?

    If I went abroad and committed a crime and was convicted, I wouldn’t be shipped back to Blighty to serve my sentence.

  4. Parliament need to grow a backbone. Certain crimes should lead to automatic deportation at the end of your sentence. No appeals – out of prison and on a plane.

  5. “At least I wont get shot like in America! Ohohohoho!”

    -UK which is getting torn apart by the worst immigration policy in the world

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