49 Prozent der Russen unterstützen laut Umfrage Truppenabzug aus der Ukraine

49 Prozent der Russen unterstützen laut Umfrage Truppenabzug aus der Ukraine


  1. I bet their definition of withdrawal is different than Ukraine’s definition. Return to 2014 lines?

  2. Imagine living through Covid lockdowns and then your government does this to your life.


  3. >The pollsters also probed the extent to which Russians were willing to support the full-scale invasion. According to the results, 32% are prepared to participate in the war if ordered by the Russian Defense Ministry, while 29% said they are not prepared to fight.

    I wonder how many of them are of the fighting age. The people who have no active role in going to war may feel like it’s fulfilling their unfulfilled wish. Those who are eligible may truly feel the heat and may not want to go to the war front

  4. As considerative as it is, Russians are wayyyy too slow to act upon. Yes, the repression from Putler is still rampant to say the least but it’s in their history, for fuck sake.
    After 91, the Russian population was supposed to be badass and put their fucking government in check, otherwise they fuck shit up.

    It’s easy for me to say since I don’t have to live in that nightmare, but little do the Russians know that the world is waiting on them to revolt otherwise this shit is spiraling out of control

  5. The only poll that matters unfortunately is the one given to Putin.  He’ll pull the country in whatever direction he decides to take it.  

  6. The high levels of popular support for a bloody brutal war of aggression against Ukraine is the reason why economic sanctions should be far more general. That 51% still don’t support ending this genocidal campaign says it all.

    It is ludicrous that Western governments are worried about insulating average Russians from the consequences of their own personal accountability. For example, it remains perfectly legal for most Russians to engage in transactions with Western banks or to purchase insurance products in European cities. There should be a blanket ban on banking and financial services with any Russian resident, with allowance for exemptions on specific applications. That is the opposite of the current situation where it is allowable unless your name is on a specific list.

    *All* trade and commerce with Russia should default to being sanctioned with only products and services on an exemption list being permitted, rather than only products on the list being sanctioned. The arguments for need, as in certain energy exemptions, possibly food exemptions, can each be considered on their individual merits. But candy? Socks? Appliances and parts? None of that is essential to the West. It should all be blocked.

  7. This is a positive sign. Russians are always going to be disinclined to express a view contradictory to current Russians doctrine and propaganda, so it’s likely the number is much higher. It was very very low at earlier points in the war, so the fact it’s nearing a majority will start to create political heat and tension as dissenting views become normalised. Russians tend to believe what’s convenient or safe to do so, so once the paradigm shift happens it good get ugly for Putin.

  8. EU is loaning almost $40 billion USD to Ukraine. They’re using Russian interest as collateral. So if Ukraine falls, they don’t pay, and that money is coming from Russia’s pocket.

    I really hope come mid-November the US takes Ukraine’s handcuffs off. Let them defend themselves to the best of their ability.

    As long as they’re targeting military and related infrastructure, they should be free to rapidly disassemble it.

  9. Never believe any polls from a closed authoritarian state. People are very suspicious, especially if it’s a poll about the war. To most of them the answers to a question like “do you support withdrawal of troops” boils down to “no, fuck off” and “go to prison”. Not to say that generally neither of any polls are representative in any meaningful way.

    Adding to that, I’d just say that 90% of all these “poll news” are just manipulation.

  10. 140+ million people live in russia and this was a poll of 800 people conducted by a group with anti war efforts – trusting this poll would be like trusting a poll made by r/conservative or r/politics lol

  11. Perfect. On one hand someone can retreat saving face cause the people have spoken, on the other hand it’s less than half so that means he never was wrong or had to to start with. Seems like an end of a special operation might be in the air…

  12. Russia is not interested in peace of any kind other than what it has demanded all 4 provinces and no discussion of Crimea: no NATO or Ukraine neutrality.

    Anything else coming out of anywhere else does not change a damn thing. Hence, war will continue at least till November as is and thereafter either NATO directly joins the war against Russia or let Ukrainian save themselves of what is left of it.

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