Weaponizing ordinary devices violates international law, United Nations rights chief says

Weaponizing ordinary devices violates international law, United Nations rights chief says


Posted by IsoRhytmic

  1. If this does violate international law, that would imply that it is essentially a massive state-sanctioned terrorist act. Many people on the internet, on Reddit, and even on this sub were cheering this on and glorifying it. Does that mean people on this site and this sub were glorifying a terrorist act? Should they be held responsible and charged with celebrating & glorifying terrorism?

  2. Tell ya what UN:

    How bout you get on disarming Hezbollah and having them relocate north of the Litani river as per UNSC resolution 1701 of 2006 and then we can talk about what Israel is doing to stem the thousands of rockets that Hezbollah has been firing indiscriminately and unprovoked into civilian population centers over the past year.

    Ya’ll didn’t get this upset when Hezbollah blew up a soccer field and killed a dozen kids a few weeks ago either.

  3. The same crowd who would pay attention to how minorities who are unfairly targeted and charged at a larger rate by the police and court systems and understand the socio-economic background for those deemed to be criminals, is now going oh no crime=bad and evil if it’s a non-Arab minority who have the audacity to not kowtow to Arabs in the Middle East.

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