While the first depot is still burning, the second one joins in

Not known to play favourites, Ukraine decided to help the second large weapons depot in the vicinity join the party – while the first one is still burning, several days after “debris fell on it”.

How very considerate of them!

by quaipau

  1. Nice image. I do wonder how well the FIRMS program can differentiate between a fire and residual heat from a *really hot* fire.

  2. I just realised, the fire is expanding massively. Compare this image to the one from 3 hours ago. Nice.

  3. That’s how orcish munitions depots look their very best: a blazing explosion, pronlongued burnout with spread to additional facilities and a smoldering pile of rubble to remind the kremlin gremlin and its gaggle of oligarch minions of how the special military operation is proceeding according to plan…

  4. Outstanding work, tactical destruction of supply…………….. first destroy as much air defence in the theatre as possible which draws down on air defence from the rear, then threaten the great putin bridge which draws down on more air defence from the rear, attack the oil refineries which draws down on more air defence from the rear, attack and disperse the black sea fleet which draws down air defence from where ever, counter attack into russian territory and force troop redeployment fuck they are getting confused now…………….Hit the big Ammo depots!!!!!!!!!!!! Wars are won or lost on logistics and supply or the deprivation of such not bombing civilian targets.

  5. Things like this will keep happen when you spent the last decades thinking that your antiquated air defence systems are “the best in the world”.

  6. Yo am I seeing things right on FIRMS? I just saw some massive fires on at least 2 rail stations inside Russia

  7. Just to clarify so 2 were hit ? One in Tihoretsk and one closer to the one hit the other day ? FIRMS shows nothing in Tihoretsk rn

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